Principal Payment

Principal Payment

Otherwise, the report is accepted by the Principal. 2.6. In order to optimize the movement of goods and money transfer products, as well as cash payments are made directly between the Principal and contractors, which Agent is obliged to carry out all necessary steps to inform the Principal and the contractors. 2.7. The Principal shall: 2.7.1. Pay to the Agent a monthly fee for the performance of the latter’s obligations under this Treaty of 1500 (One thousand five hundred) rubles for each execution of the application, not subject to vat. Principal Payment is made by transferring funds to the account of the Agent no later than five (5) banking days after the report of the Agent to execute applications.

2.7.2. Reimburse the Agent the amounts charged to them in the execution of this contract in excess of funds transferred under the conditions specified in paragraph 2.4. this contract. 2.7.3. Take all executed by the Agent hereunder. 2.8. Agent may hold due to him under this agreement the remuneration of all sums received by him by the Principal. 2.9.

In the case of reorganization Principal of his order remains in force for the Agent until such time has not yet received adequate guidance from the legal successor of the Principal. 3. liability under this agreement 3.1. In case of failure or improper execution of one of the parties obligations under this agreement, it must compensate the other party caused by such default losses. 3.2. Failure to comply with one of the parties to the terms of this agreement, which led to material losses on the other hand, entails the application to the guilty party of penalties in the amount of damage and may warrant early termination of the contract at the initiative of fair side.

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