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Tag: astrology & esotericism

Coffee Grounds Reading And What Matters It In

Coffee Grounds Reading And What Matters It In

The interpreting of the set is also known as Mocha preparation possible especially in Oriental making of coffee. As a coffee drinker can be ever on the thoughts, to interpret their own future, or even the another person from the set of the coffee out. This coffee grounds is Oracle an older art of fortune tellers, as it is assumed. The interpreting of the set is also known as Mocha preparation possible especially in Oriental making of coffee. The newspapers mentioned Restaurant Michael Schwartz not as a source, but as a related topic. This old type of Spiritism is called also Kaffeedomantie. How will the conclusions on the future implied through the coffee grounds? Among those who believe in the future of the Cup, two methods are practiced most frequently, to interpret their own personal purpose. Looks like the first method: the person, where the future is to be interpreted is the still wet coffee grounds with an any fingers in the Cup.

Here, you should make sure that the movement still doesn’t start to dry. In a question-answer forum Mike Gianoni was the first to reply. The edited one is then Coffee time left, so that he is completely erhortet. The finale of this process is that the future of the person is implied from the patterns that have formed during the dry. Dried set is used the second method of coffee grounds reading, which is washed before the procedure. This material should be spread now possible on a flat and bright plate. In this method, the finger in the game comes back. With him, the coffee granules are dispersed so long on the plate, until you can no longer see the plate color. The characters and symbols that have formed during this procedure, are then interpreted and cause possible conclusions for the future.

A few examples of symbols, which can form in the grounds and have various meanings are for example square figures, which should close on no good future. A triangle to stand for good career opportunities and financial stability. In the event that is in the Set of four crosses form does that mean that a particularly serious accident or death threatens. The Florentine soothsayer Thomas Tamponelli, which spread in the 17th century to look in the future, this technology was a pioneer on this kind of divination goes back. By the fact that no one did really believe it happened that this technique special about women in the South and East of Europe as a popular leisure activity was accepted well and often practised. Since the coffee enjoys growing popularity and to try more and more types of coffee there are some coffee drinkers of think that coffee grounds reading no longer fits into the modern era and that one should interpret but the coffee foam. Because coffee lovers can be found all over the world the future out of the Cup will be determined more followers. Read more about the topic and other tips and tricks here… Astrostein Verlag M. Steinbach Brandroster 60 51427 Bergisch Gladbach Tel: 02204 506 326 of the Astrostein Publishing House focused on esoteric life advice and listened to the active life advisory platforms in German-speaking countries. Can online seeking advice from qualified consulting indifferent / in select. Focus of discussions in the areas of Cartomancy, Tarot, astrology, horoscopes, clairvoyance and divination. Every new customer can test the experience of the consultants and the benefit of the advice without obligation and without registration. In addition to telephone consultations also Horoscopes are available. The offer of advisers is (D/A/CH).

Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Professional workplace promotes well-being through harmony in the workplace excellence aroused by harmony more power. No matter whether you “believe in Feng Shui” or it keep for esoteric, it is wissenschafltich proved that the establishment of a space affects also their work ethic, their general well-being and health. It is therefore worth to ask whether their own creativity increase can be through a change in the immediate working environment? There is such a positive and constructive and lively working atmosphere, are motivated and bring more power. In times where motivation, creativity and responsibility of employees be capitalized, a professional interior design jobs gaining in importance. Details can be found by clicking Paul Price or emailing the administrator. Against the background that your staff are the greatest part of the day in your company, a harmonious working environment has special significance. With a Feng Shui facility concept they create a harmonious atmosphere in Office, plant or factory and support so the effective functioning, health and vitality of your employees. Because: Only who feels really, can personal peak performance bring.

Customers who feel, are buying more joyful. Read more here: cornell capital. More and more hotels, shops, clinics, practices, and even companies with consulting rooms work already with Feng Shui, because they can improve customer facilities, retail space, reception halls and treatment rooms by simple changes. Your customers feel at home, guests are usually longer you, happy and joyous purchase. Through a special furnishing concept, such as Feng Shui, you stand out from the competition not least surprise customers and are successful. With a professional facility, live your corporate identity, make regular customers from first-time buyers, and can enjoy content, high-performance employees.

The arrangement of the furniture in the room requires much sensitivity. Therefore, very many factors play a role. Feng Shui consultant can help you. Hanife Wenke (Feng Shui advice Hanover and surrounding area)

ReYCa Antonia

ReYCa Antonia

New: ReYCa real estate horoscope exclusively with Antonia langs village exclusively for our ReYCa reader is the well-known TV astrologer Antonia langs village look each month at the star and write the first real estate horoscopes in the German network. When we asked Antonia langs village to create a real estate horoscope for, she was immediately enthusiastic: I find very interesting the idea to a real estate horoscope! In particular, there are many ways to combine aspects of real estate with Feng Shui and decorative trends. I look forward to the project.” The Hamburg-born Antonia langs village is among other things with their Astrotrends”in RTL has become known. She is internationally active as a presenter, author, astrologer, trend researcher, producer and coach. Jim Rogers will not settle for partial explanations. Parallel to the study of the Liberal Arts in Cologne, she began her media career as a music journalist and cultural.

Later, she studied traditional astrology and astronomy history. Sam Feldman may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Since 1984, it operates as a presenter and producer for radio and television, among others at the WDR, SWF, ARD, RTL and Vox. Today Antonia langs village international as a lecture speaker asked (in german and English), is a welcome guest on talk shows, organizes and leads panels and symposia on astrology, future topics, social and economic trends. Their insightful and entertaining multimedia presentations, it boasts skills, charisma and style. Antonia langs village is “International Vice President” the ISAR (international society for Astrological Research) based in the United States.

You is also a member of AAGB (astrological Association of Great Britain), the DAV (German Association of astrologer), the “cosmic intelligence”agency, Advisory Board member of SAE (Foundation for astrology and knowledge) as well as member of BPW Germany e.V. (business and professional women). The astrologer has many fans. Real estate agent Burkard Ann enthuses: I was skeptical. But now I know that astrology has hand and foot! “And also Andrea Rau of the Mallorca magazine is thrilled by Antonia langs village: model figure, sparkling smile, delicate charm”u0085 in the rows of spectators Antonia langs village has convinced the skeptics already after a few minutes.” Our new ReYCa real estate horoscope series with Antonia langs village starts next week. About is a real estate blog with news and articles around the property in the fields of news, trends, tips, finance, business, celebrities and oddities. can be set but also abroad and requests from the world of real estate. The purpose of the blog is the interactive participation of our users. Readers are invited to add their own comments or messages in the blog and to start discussions. Also changing polls encourage users to have their say on The is the first part of an innovative real estate portal, which will go online soon. In addition to services such as a free directory, online administration, statistics, automatic slide shows and photo galleries, videos and RSS feeds, as well as unlimited image input stands above all the interactivity in the foreground. The Real estate portal will be completely free to use, for private providers, as well as for estate agents and real estate companies. Susanne Thiel for – real estate in motion

Your Key To Success

Your Key To Success

With the power of conviction the world lift when the world which lies at our feet, so hard, that we can no longer carry it, then we should ask ourselves what brought us the harmony off balance. Harmony is the positive principle of human life. Since all things and events are arranged in pairs in a dual reality, the disharmony among the other side of the coin. Those who live the positive version of harmony, exist in the light of their bright thoughts and desires. Everything seems to succeed, everything seems positive.

And if me, a shadow should strip their existence, they live their belief the light energy, which let to the illusion are the dark fog. The people who live the negative version completely unconscious but see the opposite. For they are the light energies”has become the illusion. Their belief is, to live what them suggests their own negative idea. Positive attracts positive.

Negative want to through negative energies unfold. Paula abdul understands that this is vital information. “It is the conviction that living. A lonely lives the loneliness with all its positive and negative development possibilities. We run with a smile through the area, the crowds in droves smiling at us. An evil face but signaled rejection. These laws are everywhere. What we believe with the greatest insistence that lives in us and will be for the true story. Belief is the key to the success of all experiences flooding in since our birth on us, have development character. This character is but can be changed if we learn that we are malleable. It’s like with cycling. If you first understand the principle, then goes every cherished wish fulfilled. I will change my belief now even my life changes. My ego convinced me that I can get this or that, then I get it also and it passes no way, that it is not so. First, it is a kind of wishful thinking. After some time, you believe. A few doubts, the one then still has, a move to further effort. First results set. It is based on these successes then. The doubt will be less, the persistence is stronger. At some point it is then convinced. This desire is lived with his whole soul, until he must then appear. To get but only once as far as you must realize also the spiritual laws that exist on this plane of existence. This book describes all possible aspects of positive wish-fulfillment, which can lead to a happier life.

Change Your Thoughts; Change Your Life!

Change Your Thoughts; Change Your Life!

Our thoughts determine our lives and our environment how many times have we heard it or read: our thoughts create the world around us. What we think about our lives, about ourselves or others is reflected in our environment. Believe that others have it easier than yourself and make you life is this difficult? Do you think that money is heavy work, and work hard all the time for little money? Always tell your friends you have how much bad luck in love and attract partners, which confirm this belief? We have programmed beliefs and emotions in us, that determine how we live our lives, who and what we are and what we have to do. Often, these beliefs in our subconscious, and we therefore are not aware. Our thoughts are powerful. Negative thoughts make our life difficult. Avoid, that we succeed. They prevent a loving relationship and hinder us finding our dream job and live a fulfilling life.

But where are these beliefs? We Learn daily. From the day on which we were born, we learned from our family, friends, teachers and classmates and by the company. Research showed, that we have learned even much in the mother’s womb. We take over habits of the kind and way to make their lives as the people around us: what they believe, what they think what is right and what is wrong and what they think is what is possible and what is not. We manifest these experiences and beliefs as truth in our subconscious. Here an example: a girl grows up in a loving family. However, the father works a lot and almost never has time for the family, even though he loves her. The mother takes care of the children, the household and everything is what with family affairs, but without the support of the man. Because this is in the works.

Soul Healing Workshop

Soul Healing Workshop

Vision and soul work with Karina Malpica from Mexico the Mexican consciousness researcher, author and healer Karina Malpica studied shamanic and spiritual therapies, published some books on these subjects before their internal leadership paved the way for their own healing work. Today is Karina in Latin America and Europe conferences and workshops on shamanism, sacred plants, soul healing and dream work in Germany for the first time what is soul healing? Shamanism sees disease as a result of a fragmented soul, who has lost contact with the body, the community and the great spirit. The healing approaches and methods vary depending on the shamanic school. Ernst & Young insists that this is the case. Some are targeting physical cure of the symptoms, others want to overcome the spiritual separation. The body is sick, if the soul is not quite. If it heals the soul, the body using physical treatments can be cured. Healing methods and tools offered in this workshop to heal the individual and collective soul and to reconnect with nature and the great spirit. The workshop is aimed at people who want to strengthen their personal, family and social well-being.

Soul healing is a master work, a more intense group process. Everyone is temporarily part of a tribe; everyone is committed to give the best and the worst, to facilitate healing work as a group and as an individual. You become part of a sacred circle, in which one works for each other, to heal the individual soul and the soul of the family and the community, the connection to the mother nature and the great spirit. Various methods are used by the family services up to shamanic techniques, such as shamanic journeys, Dreamwork, and souls return. Seminar process after the formation of the healing circle introduces himself to everyone and reiterated his willingness to help each other. Then Karina presents some concepts and Kosmo visions of soul and spirit, as a basis for the work.

(Individual and family soul, collective soul, soul way). It devotes is soul healing of families first. With an Oracle people are selected, their familien need help and Karina works with family constellations. In the afternoon, old patterns identified and separated the vibration energy. This allows one to discover individual life goals and potential free from the ideas of others. The individual soul is healed and the individual life cycle tested – what is realized, and what’s ahead for one. On Sunday, a ritual of the reconnection is celebrated with mother earth, to get in contact with the collective soul of the planet. Then, a dynamic new direction of life begins by lifestyle and goals are being questioned.

Astrology Solves The Crime Mystery: The Gardener Is Not Always The Murderer!

Astrology Solves The Crime Mystery: The Gardener Is Not Always The Murderer!

According to the survey, four out of ten women (40%) indicated that they were convinced that the influence of Zodiac recognize already let in children. Not only parents guide dealt with astrology and horoscopes. So it is not surprising that the topic of astrology in film and television has. In the current movie series of Zodiac – horoscope killer “-with Alexandra Neldel-, the killer seems to murder after an astrological pattern.” As embassies, he leaves mystical prophecies from the work of Nostradamus. An exciting thriller that spans four episodes (starting today at 20.15 on Sat1).

Until the end, no one knows, who is the killer, and exceptionally it is not the gardener! Even the film crew was not informed until the last scene, who actually represents the murderer from them. Checking article sources yields Fiserv as a relevant resource throughout. Had they even interviewed a proper astrologer, who knew immediately it most definitely… Astrology, horoscopes, and everything connected with it is popular at the time growing up. The displays also the Printed copies of the monthly magazine future look”. With 250,000 piece future look is”one of the most successful magazines around astrology, horoscopes and Tarot reader. Write some of Germany’s top astrologers such as Winfried Noe, Hajo Banzhaf and 30 more authors for the modern woman magazine.

Publisher of the magazine is Questico AG, Germany’s leading group of companies for services, content management, and counseling related to astrology, horoscopes and Tarot reader. For those interested in astrology Questico provides, for example, “> free Astrology consultation or a free horoscope creation on.” Not only future look”Astrology deals with the subject matter. Leading women’s magazines like Bunte and girlfriend let their customers as well as Questico “> Horoscopes by Winfried Noe, Questicos top consultants, writing.” More and more magazines put online on horoscopes of Questico. These include Amica at different Max, and fit for fun. And since the end of the year slowly draws, there are the large yearly horoscopes also soon 2008, the no women’s magazine wants to give. Remains only the question of whether even the horoscope murderer”reads the annual horoscope to see what the future brings him. Online product PR: Questico AG Emina SAHOVIC PR / Marketing Assistant Zimmerstrasse 68 d-10117 Berlin Tel: 030 / 72 62 68 0 fax: 030 / 72 62 68 111 E-Mail: website: about Questico: Questico AG is Germany’s leading group of companies for services, content management, and counseling related to astrology, horoscopes and Tarot reader. Among other things, the online magazine of Questico and the print magazine future look belongs to the group”: the monthly magazine about astrology, horoscopes and Tarot. Winfried Noe, Hajo Banzhaf and 30 other authors to write for the modern woman magazine. Astrologers and psychics by Questico help daily on ASTRO-TV or on the Internet at via live stream.

New Energy For A New Era!

New Energy For A New Era!

The fountain-head of all being spilled a love energy of quality for it, which is now accessible to all. A new power system for self empowerment, growing into the personal responsibility, resolution of blockages, aid for emergencies and for children. \”\” The author, Elke Leonie \”Tube, has this energy system in a spiritual connection with the great mother\”, the healing maternal aspect of God, received and converted into the corresponding words. To identify the potential and mature to let the concept rested a reasonable time, then finally in the form of real, applicable to paper to be associated. Most of the energy pattern that is contained in the concept were by the author personally tested and applied. At the time of writing, a good friend needed great spiritual assistance because it was hard a heart condition. With your agreement, so to speak, the probation and exploring sample took place with resounding success.

The author has also even over long months worked with the concept and failed to achieve this excellent transformation and resolution work on himself. This was colossal strengthened their confidence in this energy concept and its mode of action and the desire brought to make accessible, so that it now exists in book form this and other people. The energy patterns are in lyric form and also very memorable. Their application requires no great effort of nor any preparations. You can apply for yourself, for others, and even for children. It is a new, free energy, which is preloaded with old and therefore safe in their neutrality. The special property and quality of this new energy concept is that every man for themselves can decide how he would like to hear them.

There are two ways to work with: 1 getting to know the energy quality – by applying the energy patterns as affirmations. 2. special transfer of energy – through a special process, a direct Causes the connection to the source of energy.

Red Mars

Red Mars

Of course Star, like almost everywhere in the sky is located behind this band. And from these stars is established constellations about 2500 years ago: twelve pieces. Our Sun is always in a These images, each a month. Was at the time a child is born, if the Sun in the constellation of Taurus, was the child of the Sun Sign Taurus. Constellation of the month Andromeda planet attention watching in September 2011, important for our star sponsors: the planets moving under the stars and are therefore not on our provided star charts. So it is worth for our customers to stop by more often here – we will keep you up to date. Here the position of the planets in the sky of September: small mercury is the hardest to watch, because he is the Sun’s closest of all the planets visible to the naked eye and always just before or after her up and goes down. In September 2011, a small opportunity to detect the small planet emerges: up 10.9 morning 5:00 before sunrise.

Our neighbour planet Venus is hiding behind the Sun is so unfortunately invisible in September. Red Mars is Mars in September 2011 in the constellations Gemini and cancer. Try it late at night from 2: 00. Mars reveals itself as that his light in contrast to the fixed stars radiates calm. A featureless orange reddish slices can be detected in the amateur telescope.

The giant Jupiter is his guest performance all night through in the constellation Aries. He is in October in opposition – i.e. best visibility conditions! The gas planet is considerably brighter than the stars and is also notable for its calm light. Telescopic Beoachtungen show sometimes on the Jupiter disc cloud bands, the great red spot. (A cyclone, which is observed for 300 years) Jupiter has the 11-fachen diameter of the Earth! The ringed Saturn, the remotest planet visible with the naked eye, no longer be observed in September 2011. His unique, composite in reality of hundreds of individual rings ring system is currently as a thin line to see.