Greatest Energy

Greatest Energy

Memory is the greatest virtue of the higher brightness perception. And the longer the period in the amount of awareness on the force, expressing the joy, or strength of concern due to the outstanding nuisance. Since a person's attention is controlled mainly awareness, then, in case of envy it will be constantly kept annoyance, even if the focus switches to another, more important. The very same note is the channel bi-directional energy: radiation of the object or subject of destructive energy, and acceptance of them, in the form of spiritual theft, their positive energy. Thus, envious destroys something that jealous resentment, anger, indignation, displeasure. Instead saturated with positive energy, which can not be in it to settle down because of foreign generation, which has a totally different quality. It can temporarily develop envious imitation of action, resulting in the creation will be significantly underestimated quality relative to the object of envy. This is explained by the fact that he is not able to grasp all the subtleties of the process of creation, because of coarsening in essence, living in it by negative feelings.

Philosophy of envy is following: "I want to be better than others, because nature has given me the greatest ability. If someone has achieved the greatest success, in this case there is a cruel injustice. This one is not deservedly received for this opportunities and therefore per se injustice must be corrected immediately. You can achieve this only in that they destroy unfairly reached. For my ability to earn the highest possible. If me the opportunity not available, then they somehow switched it to another, which is also necessary to deprive them. If I do not have, then nobody should have. But I have the greatest ability, so I have a right to be better others ".

So envious need to ask forgiveness from those whom he envies because wittingly or unwittingly by the telepathic impact, either intentional physical actions, destroying their welfare and stole energy of creation, who created it. Usefulness of the ritual of forgiveness would be if a person will rejoice with the true to those to whom he envied and their creations. And moreover, the desire to make good the damage expression of remorse in his actions, radiation, the greatest number of emotional warmth, desire the highest success in all endeavors, even if they leave the envious in a negative psychological position. All that man does, it makes it primarily for themselves. Wishing others well-being, he creates this power in itself. Provided, however, that attention will be fixed only on other people. And not on themselves, with manifestation of the most positive manifestations. The more people give, the more you get. Must forgive all who turned out to be an object of envy at least for the fact that they do not want to intrude into the space life envious, and they may not be the culprit causing annoyance. To forgive them means not to forget them by the removal of the memory bank, and by letting go. The memory of them in the memory bank is impossible to remove. Release means the highest wish of prosperity and the withdrawal of their essence from the scope of awareness. If this is the closest people and friends with whom there is no possibility or desire to leave, then the need to realize each of their recollection, manifest to them, their activities and their welfare warmth and joy. The remaining paragraphs of the ritual are similar to the general conditions with a small deviation of this specificity.

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