Trade Group Panel

Trade Group Panel

DocCheck further expands its medical expert groups panel research. Now the pool includes more than 205,000 healthcare professionals and offers customers in many areas the necessary clout in marketing visible? gen. With the DocCheck password protection system in the ru? press succeeded the DocCheck market research team research, to capture a unique Germany-wide pool of medical professionals. Now u are with DocCheck? ber 910.000 user registered, of which in Germany alone more than 205.000 to participate in medical studies have declared themselves ready. Connect with other leaders such as Frank Bisignano here. While the doctor, but also dentists, pharmacists provide the largest share and medical students are registered. Panel quality is fu? r DocCheck research at first place. Therefore mu? must be all members of the expert panels when registering with a medical card or medical certificate prove. In a question-answer forum Ben Sketch was the first to reply. The regional and technical spreading of questioning people coincides almost completely with the real distribution and ensures fu? r high representativeness.

The same applies also fu? r the age and Gender of the panelists. The offering helps customers to the direct advantage of the field, such as exact request samples in the healthcare segment. At the u? in the Expert Panel, the largest group is made over 73,000 human by internists and general practitioners. But also surgeons, gynecologists, pediatricians and neurologists are very well represented with more than 28,000 members. The medical specialist groups Panel is so diversified not only fu? r healthcare customers of great importance, but opened the possibility of purchasing field also fu? r other market research companies interesting possibilities. Doccheck research, offers good conditions fu? r a fast recruitment for high data quality and transparency. Doccheck the social Medwork networks fu? r a better medicine: through simplified access to scientific content and direct professional exchanges in the community DocCheck health service providers helps to deepen their knowledge and improve their daily work.

Over 910.000 registered users medworken” already with. Thus, DocCheck is the largest Community fu? r medical professionals in Europe. Almost every second doctor or pharmacist in Germany is a member of the DocCheck and uses our diverse means of communication and information on the topic of healthcare. Direct marketing are among the most important business models by DocCheck via DocCheck news or bMail, research in the field of market research as well as social media based marketing with DocCheck InSite. A growing number of pharmaceutical companies uses the possibility to attract audiences without wastage.

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