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The Nation

The Nation

In the case of the professionals of the areas concerning the field it would be possible to be helped them to acquire and to promote the productive operation of property, integral properties or farms or also to yield to them or to sell the manifolds to them ” farms experimentales” of property of the department or the Nation, with the security of which they will know to use them with a better productive and research yield. These associations of professionals of the field once established and also financed or subsidized could serve their of management or administration for the owners of property or properties that for one or the other reason cannot or do not reach to take care of them. With them also it could the department and the municipalities contract the studies, plans and programs of development of the sector in its respective areas of influence, instead of to be doing it, to a cost much more lifted, with foreign people that often have minors capacities that ours. (At present, Law 160 of 1994 actually consecrates an subsidy for the acquisition of rural estates to the professionals of the land, inoperative for reasons that explain in the article ” We perfect Law 160 of 1994″). Relocation strategies may help you with your research. In the case of the professionals of the areas of the construction and the city-planning development, we could help them to finance, to low costs, programs of lots with services or popular house, urbanizations, parks recreational or simply the construction of individual solutions of house or so many other projects that would be interminable to consider today. Of the professionals of the other areas the own thing (in another opportunity could take control we will continue discussing envelope which remains us in the inkpot not to exhaust patience of the reader and the Newspaper of the Huila), for which the department and the municipalities must have a real inventive capacity and I devise without limits, until managing to take part in all they. All this, without discarding the possibility of the immediate creation of a bottom for the aid to the professional who would develop to programs of financing or subsidy to individually considered professionals for the same aims. The resources of the department and the municipalities with some budgetary importance do not reach after it? The class leader cannot give that excuse him to the opinion after having ” invertido” tens of thousands of million, to prices of today, in the creation of societies of mixed economy almost all ruined today and which has enriched only to a few; or after annually spending tens of thousands of million in unproductive bureaucracy or thousands of million in the payment of a suffocating debt whose amount we have arrived indeed by the irresponsibility of the managing public; or after promoting unnecessary projects where it will jeopardize the social investment of ten or twenty years of the department such as the such gas pipeline to the south (which must be replaced – for that Neivana of gas by the construction of domiciliary gas plants was created in all the municipalities of the department and the most important inspection of police, to a often smaller cost and with the same purpose of taking the service to each one of the huilenses homes), or still more ” inteligente” of to buy the dam to him from Betania to the Nation!.