Employment Severity
Properly use these questions will help both parties to concentrate on specific details; and that is receiving criticism you It will provide elements necessary to assess whether the criticism is valid or if the other part is exaggerating. Focus on what is told, not on how said you. Have they criticized him harshly? Perhaps the person who harshly criticised us is somewhat insensitive, but not why reject your comment better focus on what told and not deprived of the opportunity to improve. Sometimes the fact that the person who drew us a lack is someone who does not drop anything angry us well. True, not is neither easy nor pleasant to go through that situation. They are not always people who best fall us who brought us our mistakes but we can benefit from it. Prevent the severity.
It is a fact that you, like anyone else has some measure of control over the frequency and the severity with which make you note an error. This is particularly true in the case of constructive criticism coming from people who are in positions of authority. I mean that you can avoid receiving a correction if it responds promptly to a severe mild criticism. For example, a co-worker could point out this arriving late to the employment. This is the moment to act in order to correct the problem. Correct this habit until her immediate boss talk to you about the matter.
Be punctual before his superior to take drastic measures. Today though we endeavor we will not be free to be criticized, as it is something that is part of the nature human. Not able to control the way in which others point out our faults, but what is in our hands is how we will react when that happens. If we honestly found that the criticism is unfounded, let it go. We do not martiricemos us, because we will never give taste to all; But if what you have told us is true, if we have made a mistake, let’s look at the issue as an opportunity to improve.