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Real Strategies

Real Strategies

The last Cabinet gave origin to a project of extremely important law, therefore he defines who clearly is the king or the head of government, and nomea the heads of main ministries that dirigem the country. The text, that establishes the regulation of the parliament, also supplies information on the distribution very different being able of them, as well as the state of not-democracy where we live. This strategy reproduces the spirit of the new Constitution, cambaleando the image of the democratic progress and the reality of the democratic distribution enters. Basically, the king keeps its hand, saw the Cabinet presided over by it, on the majority of the public symbols. Such action comes of the sky (RAM, WAVE) for the Sea (Marsa Morocco, To refer to Med), through the bank (CIH, Crdit Agricole, Banque Populaire, without speaking of the CDG, ' ' Banco' ' indispensable for any politics of development in Morocco), of the fosfato (OCP), of measured (TRNS, MAP), etc. The heads of 39 said establishments strategical they continue to be nominated by royal decree, applied of fact for the constitutional politics, a time that to the king that if they give to the accounts.

Beyond the army, of the policy, the services of security, the land diplomacy (ambassadors), of the high magistracy, the monetary politics of the country (Bank-Maghrib), the regulation of telecommunications (ANRT), of the control of interrelation public finances judiciary resource (Court of accounts), etc, therefore everything involves the base of real dahir that it justifies one to narrow of relations to the real power. The diagnosis could not more clearly be: the king keeps a domain on the majority of the decision centers. The power, it is, completely it, it is more truth that never. Most interesting, after all, he is to examine the symbols on which the king of a impression to leave, in virtue of its heads nominated for the Head of the Government.

Electoral Recycling

Electoral Recycling

When we think about politics we perceive a reconfiguration enters the personages chosen for the population. (Similarly see: Lakshman Achuthan). This year for being electoral is foreseen an performance form enters the political parties with measures that times behind were not common. The political parties searched in the past to transmit its ideology, ideas that allowed to mobilize the people for a direction. These ideas were the central axle of the relations human beings and what it stimulated the society for the social changes, economic and politics. At the same time, valley to remember that according to history of Brazil with respect to formation politics, the country always met in behind situation very.

The country loads obtains intense oppressions that had hindered the Brazilian people at least to have guaranteed its alfabetizao. Exactly thus, the intellectuals who had charged themselves to fight for a society more independent joust of its profession or formation observed that in the political parties she had a way that would go to guarantee politics public that resulted in better quality of life for the society in general way. Currently it is not more than this form. The political parties aim at to carry through called ' ' alianas' ' between itself to assume of legitimate form the public power. With this, as in any marriage, when somebody happens a separation always will be wronged. Who will defray the expenses, will be the Brazilian people. We can perceive in the case of the elect candidate for the direct vote nowadays. The party carries through diverse alliances of all and any form to guarantee its elect representative.

E the people is one more time only attending and waiting who he will be the winner. When analyzing the history of two decades behind we can review the candidates the presidency of the republic. One known for the Brazilian people who fought for the direct ones already and the other presented the population for an international net of television. Both with opposing however declared ideologies. With astuteness the candidate little known and the support of the media gained the elections. The other candidate if it became president after one decade. More ahead, as evidence of this change. These same and others politicians who if repelled today in the past are compactuando together of the same objectives, the power. one more time the Brazilian people this without knowing what to make. Exactly because the problems of basic education not form decided. The people had not had chances of the right to get a critical and analytical formation of the world that the fence. The supplied social groups less still meet under monitoring of the assistencialismo. The communities most devoid are submitted to receive something that is atrelado the eleitoreiros programs. in this way the author of the program finishes gaining the votes of that region. Therefore, this text is only one panorama on some events of the past that had resulted nowadays in negative factors. More still, the intention of this reflection was not in no way to address the vote to no candidate. But, to consider a reflection that has taken the guiding of directions that are lined up with the necessities of population. On the other hand, the population fits when it has in its hands the chance to study independent of the situation politics, to carry through with objectives that the learning has taken. Will, hunger, determination are seeds that are generated that it nourishes in them of security in our decisions and prevents illnesses as the deceit and the intellectual misery.

Financial Auditing

Financial Auditing

After all the cuts its budget will have to be in accordance with its reality. You will see that in few months she starts to appear a recess, you had not been new facts expenses and you divide paid them existing. One remembers, dedicates some time to manage its personal finances, therefore nobody will make this for you: As to manage money correctly To manage well the money it requires effort and time, either for the personal finances or enterprise management. Some practical exist that if it can learn to obtain to manage better its day the day and all the related financial aspects: * It saves in all the chances. * He is always intent to the discountings.

* It writes down all expenditures prescriptions. * It analyzes its financial situation regularly. * If it does not become indebted unnecessary. It is not easy to remain itself organized, but it goes to see resulted the medium and long run if to keep the persistence to control its finances regularly. Source: CALCULATES ITS FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE Research of the ANEFAC? National association of the Executives in Finances Auditorship and Accounting? he disclosed that the Brazilian with income of up to 1.000, 00 Reals spends 37.5% of its income only with the payment of interests. This means that, separating the interests that are inlaid in the installments, this expenditure only consumes, on average, one tero of the wage, that is, about 330,00 Reals.

To know if the research the example is valid also for its personal budget makes the calculation of its Monthly Financial Expenditure as to follow: 1. It multiplies the debt balance (all the parcels in opened) for the monthly tax of interests, informed for the bank or financier; 2. The result is the approach amount of interests inlaid in installment; 3. It adds the total of interests and it compares with its wage.

Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic Leadership

However, to alar hand of a communication process and to use it of efficient form mean to adopt one transparent, viable politics and advisable for who it longs for to keep the eventual conflicts under constant monitoring. Ahead of imminent conflicts, generated or not for the communication, and of the confusion of contexts that permeiam the organizacional environment, it is vital a Management of Human resources worried in managing the conflicts through the negotiation and of the mediation. The responsible professionals for the RH management need to catch or to prepare leaders with full conscience of the socioemocionais papers to be played and of the models of leadership to be adopted in accordance with each situation. The leadership is essential in the management of the organizations, and the whitewashing and mediating socioemocional paper of a leader on its subordinate is to make with that spontaneous and enthusiasticly they pursue the objectives and stipulated goals, without impasses and divergences. It is pertinent to cite that an ideal leader, capable to understand the subjective aspects of organizacional life e, thus, to alavancar better resulted, would need to assume ' ' simultaneamente' ' the characteristics of directive leader, leader apoiador, participativo leader, and leader guided for accomplishments, of the Theory of the Goal and the Way, and, of the transformacional leader and leader visionary, of the Theory of the Charismatic Leadership.

This mix to know provides an accented amount of conditions directed toward the capacity to hear and to conciliate interests, in such a way individual as of the proper organization. After all, to lead means to catalyze potentials and to exactly transform them into accomplishments ahead of groups and of course heterogeneous teams, with much auto-confidence, passion for the work and respect for the led ones and excessively leader. This miscellany of appropriate ways is only possible because organizacional psychology helps to manage an organization in the measure where it systematically studies best practical of management on the basis of the human behavior.

Bureaucracy and Public Administration

Bureaucracy and Public Administration

The classic administration has as bedding the principles of the administration of implanted prussiano Exercito in the Europe in the last century and Brazil in 1936. In turn the bureaucratic administration happened as method of substitution of the centralizadora absolute monarchy of the public patrimony as in such a way private. For the development of the capitalism, the state separation was necessary and market, inasmuch as the democracy existence is only possible when it distinguishes from market of the society controls that it, was in this I contest that the separation between the public and the private one appeared. With effect, the bureaucratic administration can be understood as precarious, slow, expensive, and without the had orientation. She was with this spirit of change, that the State stimulated the due changes not only aiming at the improvement of the public service, but separation of the particular patrimony to the one of the private one. The Public administration passed to be delineated in 1930, that she was improved in 1967 with the call second reform, by means of the implementation of (Dasp), occurs that the initial kick left in 1938, with the creation of the Autarchies, leaving of the estimated one that the public power must be decentralized (indirect administration).

It was in this I contest that the decree law 200, tried to desburocratizar the rigidity of the administration granting bigger autonomy the indirect administration, by means of the transference of activity of goods and services as the foundations, society of mixing economy, public company. However, the system presented deficiency, when it instituted the possibility of act of contract of public officer without competition requirement, making possible the weakness of the strategical nucleus of the state by means of opportunist strategy of the military, that was materialize with the crisis of 70 (military regimen), taking the reform to the failure. With the 1988 constitution, a more adequate regimen to the servers searched, maquiada with equality of servers.