Bureaucracy and Public Administration

Bureaucracy and Public Administration

The classic administration has as bedding the principles of the administration of implanted prussiano Exercito in the Europe in the last century and Brazil in 1936. In turn the bureaucratic administration happened as method of substitution of the centralizadora absolute monarchy of the public patrimony as in such a way private. For the development of the capitalism, the state separation was necessary and market, inasmuch as the democracy existence is only possible when it distinguishes from market of the society controls that it, was in this I contest that the separation between the public and the private one appeared. With effect, the bureaucratic administration can be understood as precarious, slow, expensive, and without the had orientation. She was with this spirit of change, that the State stimulated the due changes not only aiming at the improvement of the public service, but separation of the particular patrimony to the one of the private one. The Public administration passed to be delineated in 1930, that she was improved in 1967 with the call second reform, by means of the implementation of (Dasp), occurs that the initial kick left in 1938, with the creation of the Autarchies, leaving of the estimated one that the public power must be decentralized (indirect administration).

It was in this I contest that the decree law 200, tried to desburocratizar the rigidity of the administration granting bigger autonomy the indirect administration, by means of the transference of activity of goods and services as the foundations, society of mixing economy, public company. However, the system presented deficiency, when it instituted the possibility of act of contract of public officer without competition requirement, making possible the weakness of the strategical nucleus of the state by means of opportunist strategy of the military, that was materialize with the crisis of 70 (military regimen), taking the reform to the failure. With the 1988 constitution, a more adequate regimen to the servers searched, maquiada with equality of servers.

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