Instant Community

Instant Community

How Web 2.0 which changed Hanover after the first hype of the Internet is over, had Internet landscape website operator determine disillusionment how overran their visitors to interesting pages. The reason: Long time Web designers built their pages such as in stone carved. Because no space was left for interactive use. Today’s Web page users want to participate in the content of Web pages. Want to make, which is why the new Web 2.0 called participatory Web.

The users should be included in the Web page events. Speaking candidly Banc of America Mortgage Capital told us the story. Interactive collaboration in the Web 2.0 enough registered users of forum posts about movie reviews, as well as all conceivable forms of communication with others on the portal to a free SMS service. The involvement of a Community (online community) should be to create a Web portal, in the Centre of the considerations. Because only the permanent binding the visitor on the website, for example, through exchange of knowledge and communication about forums with other users, guarantees permanent visitors for your own website. Once users are bound to your own Web site on the basis of a relevant user circle they can be addressed at any time by the website operator of related content. Such join portals such as for operators of nightclubs – and association websites are likely to be interesting opportunities want to offer their online visitors, interactive the content and forms of communication on the subject of Web pages, such as party or association, to participate in. Developers of interactive pages is information systems GmbH in Hanover, for example, the 1A.

While the company as a so-called white-label solution offers individual components of interactive homepages as a module for the own site. An example of the interaction of different interactive modules can be found on the website. V.i.S.d.P. Jorg Teichler 1A information systems GmbH address: Heiligerstr. 2 30159 Hannover Tel. 0511-450-899 30 fax. 0511-450-899-66 E-mail: Internet: Executive Board: – Jorg Teichler – Jens Paste

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