Facebook Benefits

Facebook Benefits

For that they look for effective and practical answers about what making in the social networks to obtain the maximum effectiveness at the time of promoting our sites, services and products, we have listed some applications that can make render to the maximum our participation in the social networks. Without going more far, Facebook has 300 million users at world-wide level. For that reason, each opportunity that we must to improve our performance as usuary of the site will be welcome, because it will result in an enormous mass of traffic accurately directed to our site. Static FBML. This abbreviation means Facebook Mark Up Language, and, by means of this application we will be able to personalize ours still more home of Facebook, by means of the use of code HTML and FBML.

For example, pages is possible to do landing more fit, which will be as a configurable eyelash in the navigation bar. DefineMe. One apps that allows to insert the classic cloud of tags in home, element of high visual impact that in addition it provides important information to the visitors. The words by size can be hierarchized. Rss Graffitti.

A RSS that allows to maintain updated home with the last entrances to blog of the company and to any other site that is considered of interest. Ideal to administer more of a RSS Atomfeed. I Endorse. Essential to make shine the positive commentaries of our users. With this apps is possible to develop and to let grow our capacity to make businesses online, by means of the recommendation of other users of our products and services. Special cobra relevance when it is considered that the consumers before being decided by a product consult with the rest of the community. With the I It endorses we can show all the positive commentaries that have made envelope we. Poll Daddy Polls. Click Jonah Bloom to learn more. Apps that allows to realise surveys and small soundings. Ideal when we realised some change in a product, or our site and want to know what thinks our contacts. Creative Commons Licence. This app allows to specify what type of license strictly speaking has the material that you publish in Facebook and really in all the Internet. Creative Commons is an initiative that allows to share creative material in more elastic form, but simultaneously, it forces to recognize the author rights. Ideal, for example, if it is desired to share images or music, and even so to maintain the responsibility of the same. Fboostic. Apps ideal to advertising diagnose the use, viralidad and tendencies of the applications of each user. Ideal to present/display information where it is necessary to present/display numbers and exact numbers. These are only some applications of Facebook. He is highly recommendable to take the time necessary to study the many applications that Facebook offers or to develop the own one, in accordance with each site. Apps offers the possibility of customizar the page of Facebook to the maximum and of interacting of much more rich way with our contacts, sharing more information and, essentially, offering the opportunity to gather feedback more rightly than our clients we can have envelope. If it has liked this post and wants to place it in its site, can do it without disadvantages, as long as it mentions like source to Original author and source of the article.

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