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Social Rights

Social Rights

The right to strike was reconquered in 1978, trying the retaken one of the fight for social rights large-scale. The unions of the workers of the city and the field had gained autonomy in relation to the state, and increasing representation. The Constitution has one capitulates entire (II) consecrated to the social rights, the article 7 enumerates nothing less than 34 rights of the urban and agricultural workers. For this enumeration one said that Brazil is one of the most complete states of welfare of the planet. But the 1988 constitution arrived a little late, it was promulgated naked time where the neoliberal against-reform already was in full course in the North America and Europe and penetrating in Latin America. Ahead of the Retrocession of the Social Rights as it is known from years 1980 the economic ortodoxia and the dominant ideology of the capitalist world move.

The Keynesianismo was being each time more rejected by the classrooms dominant and substituted for the neoliberalismo. The Neoliberalismo is umbilicalmente opposes to the welfare state because and its individualistic values are incompatible with the proper notion of social rights, that is, rights that are not of the man as citizen, but of social categories and that s destines to undo the verdict of the markets, supporting the losers with public resources, caught in great measures for taxes that the winners record. In the age of the neoliberalismo, the economic policies restrain the effectiveness of the inflationary pressures and the levels of prices had only gone up of insignificant form, in compensation, the economic growth decelerated and the unemployment increased systematically ties to reach comparable levels to the effective ones during the great depression of years 30. The predominance of the neoliberalismo during years 80 and 90 did not obtain to eliminate the conquered social rights already, but it hindered that new they were gotten.

Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan

Such revolutions in the panorama of the social relations the world-wide level modified in such way the life style that the productive agents, who before met commanding the families, had passed to the sector of services. In this direction, hand of workmanship of individuals searched that made use of good physical conditions to vender to the capitalist society in expansion. Appearing from there the demographic term that today is conceived as ' ' population economically ativa' ' , understanding the participant individuals of the productive process. Those that in function of the age, did not serve as hand of workmanship in the plants were had as obsolete and old. To broaden your perception, visit CEO Angel Martinez. The new condition of this parcel of the society was overwhelmd to be excluded from the social system, existing without future perspective and in this aspect, the element age determined the relation of the individual with its half one, starting to survive in a reality without the protection and attention, where the relations, of special form of kinship decay, therefore the valuation of pater age the link that bound the individuals.

Thus, prestige of more old falls for land and stigmata of invention social of oldness imply losses for aged, that they lose its relevance in the social cell that is the family, as well as are removed of its paper of responsible productive agents for the familiar socioeconmica harmony. Approaching the thematic one of the importance of the function of the aged one for the society Kofi Annan, while General Secretary of the ONU, alleged: ' ' In Africa, one says that, when dies ancio, a library disappears. This remembers the crucial paper to us that the aged ones play as intermediate between the past, the gift and the future; importantssima communication line that constitutes for the society. Without the knowledge and the wisdom of the ancios, the young never would go to know of where they come or which the community where if they insert.

Brazilian Families

Brazilian Families

Many Brazilian families of the present time had been constructed from the lack of familiar planning. It seems that the condoms had suffered gradual rise from value or if they had become rare, therefore its use for the public became limited. With respect to this problem, many culprits are pointed: I appeal it exaggerated the media through explicit sensual scenes, the freedom that the parents had allowed the children, the absence of programs directed to the sexual orientation and the familiar planning, the schools, among others. Learn more about this with Expedia CEO. The sexual relations without condom use constitute a current situation enter namoro of the young, as if all were weak in fertility terms. As if all the young had endometriosis and the young was incapable to promote the fecundao. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Paul Price by clicking through.

The banalizao of the sex contributed for the existence of such situation. If the parents start to limit the freedom of the children of rigorous form are friction as impartial, dures, cafonas and reactionary, therefore modernity not more accepted positions of this type. majority of the health centers also possesss programs destined to the familiar planning that serve to take care of the families and this population in fertile age that if finds in the puberty with hormones in boiling. It influences it of the medias on the young happens in harmful way, therefore it shows subversive behaviors and suits that are presented as beautiful, attractive and modern. The release of the censorship also intervened very with this direction presenting some inadequate programs to the public, that is, the determination is dealt with indifference. The nuclear character of the families became frequent due to emancipation of the woman in the society. In the layers poor it is common to find families led for women who possess children whose paternity if configures diverse. Inserted to this universe, the young follows passage the same.

In the educational scope, the PCNs (National Curricular Parameters) determines the work with transversal subjects and between them if it points out the education for the sexuality. Thus, the pertaining to school resumes possess this discipline and the schools work with transversal subjects and between them if it points out the education for the sexuality. Thus, the pertaining to school resumes possess this discipline and the schools work with its contents in classroom. Many develop entailed projects to the thematic one, bringing boardings favorable to the orientation of young the front to the presented reality. We verify the existence of actions developed for the schools and the centers of health, but still the problem in the families predominates. Many young ones are taken to interrupt its studies due the premature pregnancy and badly planned, many of them meet without the preparation necessary to assume a responsibility of such dimension and finish having its career and professional formation harmed by the circumstances. In this direction, she is necessary to reach bigger approach of the initiatives promoted for the education and the health of the young public in the attempt to solve the question. The society must elaborate strategies come back to the fiscalization of the medias in virtue of its it influences harmful to youth. Also the population must acquire knowledge on the referring classification to the programming of radio, of television, journalistic and virtual. The parents also need to guide adequately its children, granting the necessary limits and talking on the i