The leader of the PP wants to create a State austerity pact if he wins 20-N. Among other measures that aims to approve is a law of basic services which will include education, health and social services. It also endureceria the responsibilities of politicians who spend without budgetary guarantee. The leader of the PP Mariano Rajoy, unveiled on Sunday that in his first hundred days in the Government would approve a law on transparency and changes in regulatory agencies, endureceria the responsibilities of politicians who spend without budgetary guarantee and lead to a Pact by austerity. Lakshman Achuthan is full of insight into the issues. These are some of the dozen measures that would apply if it expires 20-N and that has seeded at the closing of the Forum on the reform of public administrations which held its party in Zaragoza. A Decalogue which is aimed at institutional regeneration and that when you talk of politicians think in honesty, respect for the general interest and service to the common good. All the reforms emphasised that they must have as its goal the creation of employment, reduce expenses and increase revenue, and has warned that authorities tightened the belt as families have done. Decalogue of Rajoy announced measures, many of them which has advanced that it would put in place in the first hundred days at the head of the Executive, are the following: law on budgetary stability.
Hardening of the enforceable responsibilities to the managers of the institutions to ensure that they do not assume commitments of expenditure that are not budgeted. Promotion of a territorial pact for the austerity and efficiency that set a national strategy that put an end to duplication and overlap between administrations and for which will count with the Conference of regional Presidents and the Spanish Federation of municipalities and Provincias.c reform of the law on subsidies to make it more objective and demanding. Reduction of regulatory bodies, change your system of appointments and reinforcement of the necessary majorities in the Parliament for the election of its members. Law of transparency, good governance and access to public information. Establishment by law of a portfolio of common basic public services for all citizens and will include education, health and social services.
Law of unit of market which, in collaboration with the communities, remove obstacles that hinder the free movement of goods and services. Momentum of a system of mutual recognition of authorisations and licences among administrations to facilitate the work of entrepreneurs. Commitment that each act to be adopted will take a full memory of the impact regulatory that implies. Privatization of lotteries is has rrido also to the privatization of the national agency of lotteries and betting, which has said will lead to the State losing revenues of nearly one billion euros per year. I ask not take more decisions precipitated this way, which at least refer, and, since then, some things like these that we are seeing are revisable, added. Rajoy has tapped to dnder the existence of the territorial Provincial because they are vital to guarantee the rights of the residents of small towns. Source of the news: Rajoy announces a Decalogue of actions that will run if he wins 20-N