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Liberating National Alliance

Liberating National Alliance

Peter Fagundes Ernest ' ' In the day of my marriage no chofer of rent car he wanted to take my fianc for church. Many writers such as Rogers Holdings offer more in-depth analysis. They were all Communists. We were as soon as we called the staff the Liberating National Alliance. I had that to obtain an automobile loaned for my fianc, I and my friends of the integralismo was p' '. Reshma Kewalramani can provide more clarity in the matter. The environment was this politician of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim in October of 1935, according to story moved of the integralista former-controller Nelson Silvan. But, why a simple marriage despertou as much animosity? The reason of the refusal of the calls to chofer of square (current taxistas) was that one would be the first marriage in the city that would follow the integralistas ritualsticas norms. In other words, the fianc would marry of green shirt, one of the most expensive symbols of Ao Brazilian Integralista (AIB). Although the misfortunes, it and its fianc had arrived in time for the ceremony.

As in many other places of the country, also in the south of the Espirito Santo the local frame politics finished reflecting the situation of ideological disputes that they had marked the world-wide panorama in the decades of 1920 and 1930. In this scene, mainly from 1935, two fronts politics would carry out most strike of them in Brazil: ao Brazilian Integralista (AIB) and Aliana Nacional Libertadora (ANL). Established in 1932, in the city of So Paulo, for the journalist and writer Salty Pliny, the AIB, in a short space of time, it started to be an organization of national matrix and to enter filiados militant thousands of in almost all the states of the country. Its militant ones carried through ' ' paradas' ' civic parades using green shirts. Already Aliana Nacional Libertadora (ANL) was organized in the initial months of 1935 from the junction of innumerable unions and federacies of workers which if had added some organizations politics of the left and democratic matrix.



Researchers say the annals of the later insertion made by experienced pravschikami, on those pages where it says to move the capital to Novgorod. Ancient Ladoga – the place where born Russia. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nina Devlin. There is every reason to believe that it is the old Ladoga, which united the tribes around him, and became the place the birthplace of the legendary Russ. These excavations show that to 830 in Old Ladoga and around it, had the social formation under the name growing up, which soon became familiar to us Rus. It was a community warriors, merchants and craftsmen who lived along the banks of the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga.

In this community included the Scandinavians, Slavs, Finno-eel, representatives of many other tribes and nations, led by Prince. Ladoga, even then now spread its influence over a vast part of Eurasia. Evidence of this has led to numerous archaeological finds. Here were found many treasures of coins of different countries. For example, the Volga-Ladoga way has been found many treasures of Arab coins in viii. As for the origin of the word 'Russia', the controversy around it has overstepped all reasonable limits. Another Slovak linguist and ethnographer of xix century. Paul Shafranek believed that the river (rusa) gave its name to the people who made history as the 'Rus'.

The dictionary Dahl lot of dialectical words derived from the root of Russian connected with the river: channel, ruslina – Riptide, Rusen – the lintel of the board mermaid, Rust – 'water is rusticated', which means that it is the flow stream, etc. Some researchers believe that the concept of 'Russes' or' Russa ', anciently meant "living in the rivers',' the inhabitants of the rivers', 'river people'. Thus, the name 'Russia', originally should belong to communities living along the rivers. Such an association and become united tribes inhabiting the rivers of southern Lake Ladoga. Center, which became the Ladoga – the first capital of Great Russia. With regard to Kiev, then if you carefully read the first Novgorod chronicle, it's clear that the Normans brought the name 'Rus' first in the Lake Ladoga, and then to Kiev, where the name spread to the 'other'.

For Marx

For Marx

Not of the Real and the idealized concrete, but of the Real and the concrete as a rich totality of determination and diverse relations. Marx conceives the Real as a historical process, that would conduct the social movement. For Marx, the basic one in the scientific research would be, therefore, to discover the dynamic that would prevail and would modify the studied phenomena. Marx inside presents its dialtico method of a rational, empirical and materialistic configuration. He puts into motion its research of the particular one for the generality and vice versa; he searchs to apprehend dynamic and to formulate concepts by means of comparative studies of the social phenomena.

Pg: 68-71. The MATERIALISTIC CONCEPTION OF Barbosa HISTORY says that for Marx the production relations would be the concrete relations that the men would establish in one definitive society, in view of the production and reproduction of the individuals, the social classrooms and the society. For Marx they would not be possible productive forces developed coexisting with relations of production behind historically if compared with the capitalism. Therefore, for Marx the relations of production and productive forces they would determine in the development of the society human being. Pg: 72. THE CONCEPT OF ' ' PRODUA&#039 WAY; ' For Marx ' ' way of produo' ' it would be a form to portray the social totality represented by the structure and the superstructure. Marx indicates that the great historical periods would be structuralized from the ways of communal production, Asian, old, feudal and bourgeois. Pg: 73. WAY OF PRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL TRANSFORMATION For Marx the productive forces would tend for the development, it would make what them to collide with the production relations, that would characterize and conserve the production way. Marx understood the society as a totality, in which the economic structure exerted a deep conditioning on the superstructure.



The position that management occupies in the company. The decision level that it has in the purchase process. The knowledge that it owns on the sector. The people who exert it in his company influences envelope. Its preoccupations and motivations. The level of studies and formation that it has.

Its likings. The behaviors that it had in previous interviews. The style of purchase and negotiation. The promotions that it appreciates more. The attitude that has towards our company and our marks. The relations with other suppliers. Later we will analyze the information available on the company client.

The economic and financial situation. The number of employees. The future perspective. Its global invoicing. The invoicing by suppliers. The number of suppliers and the criteria of selection of these. The relations with other competing suppliers ours. The characteristics of its clients. The habits of purchase and consumption of its clients. The mean consumption of these. The cycles of sale and possible seasonalities of our client. Next we will study the previous relations of the client with us. The evolution of our marks and products or services. The conditions previously agreed. The quota of market in our client by reference and its evolution. The present assortment and the possibility of increasing it. The reached commercial agreements, as well as the level of fulfillment of the same. The realised promotions and the result of the same. Quarter, we will compile and analyze all the possible information of our competitors in the client. The product assortment. The evolution of the sales. The quota of market that it owns in the client. The agreed conditions. The commercial promotions and agreements that reach. The level service. Finally, we will review the evolution of the market in the zone of action of the client.

DVD Countries

DVD Countries

Valley to say that such productions counted on no governmental support, some carried through with personal foreign resources or, since the transistion in these countries still disclosed incipient and distrustful a democracy to finance productions of challenging matrix for that still they marked presence in the government, even though direct or indirectly, either in the parties or the state bureaucracy. Our work consists of raising the questions that involve the resources disponibilizados for the accomplishment of films in the call period of redemocratizao of these countries. For in such a way, as it orders the best methodology, a survey of films carried through in those countries was made, that they obey the standard of contestadora production and denunciation, and that they had had international repercussion. However, the biggest surprise and disillusionment, were the difficulty and even though impossibility of terms access to the filmogrfico material, more than twenty years later. Where it weighs the repercussion of the work of cineasta, its proposal, the historical interest, or even though the relevance of the anxious public for knowing the history of its country, certain is that many films had been at least taken to the VHS, much less to the current DVD. ‘ ‘ Cicatriz’ ‘ , production of Chile with the Ussr, for example, is impossible to be to see. Nor the director, located in Moscow, if dignou to answer on possibility of if having a copy of its work. Interesting to notice that after dribbling opposing interests to the government, these same cineastas at least if interest in promoting spreading of its films in the period of full democracy that if occurs in the three cited countries. The anxiety to place in the film the dissatisfaction with the situation politics if empties so soon leaves to exist empecilho for its spreading. The Chilean productions of bigger prominence are ‘ ‘ There Frontera’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ Latente’ image; ‘ , ‘ ‘ Amnesia’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Gringuito’ ‘. e-financing/’.

The Industry

The Industry

This movement lasted one month more than and involved laborers of all the branches of the industry, as metallurgist, masons, shoemakers, marble workers and seedbeds, graphs, teceles, hat makers, dressmakers, workers in wood. It is important to detach that the wages were not paid during the strikes, being thus, many times the laborers finished coming back to the work without nothing to obtain. The conquests gotten with the strikes never were definitive. Therefore, from time to time, the laborers entered in strike; in 1906, the railroad workers of So Paulo had stopped for better conditions of work and wages; in 1912-1913, laboring of some categories they had 1912-1913 made strikes against the high prices of the life and for better wages. First the great movement striker of syndical history in Brazil that paralyzed the city of So Paulo in 1917, was initiated with strikes located in txteis plants, in the quarters of the Moca and the Ipiranga. The leaders strikers demanded better wages and better conditions of work, beyond the requirement of suppression of the contribution ' ' pr-ptria' ' (campaign of financial support to Italy, developed for the immigrant bourgeoisie of So Paulo, arriving until making discountings of the wages of the workers, as it was the case of the Cotonifcio Crespi).

The manifestations of street hardly had been restrained by the policy, culminating with the murder of the anarchic shoemaker Antonio Martinez. During one month the city of So Paulo lived the agitation of the committees of strikes, that although to show a considerable capacity of mobilization of the work force, they did not serve to sensetize the state. Throughout all Old Republic (1889-1930) the oligarchical governments treated the social matter as ' ' case of polcia' ' , thus preferring, to adopt measured arbitrary, as beating and arrest of the leaderships strikers and expulsion of the foreigners of the country.