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Tag: government and politics



In visit to Brazil in this Saturday day 19/03/2011 07h30min of the morning in Brasilia, I eat Brazilian I feel shame and unresolved matter, then I decided to write something on this visit. What vocs Brazilians find of this visit? He will be that the people really has some benefits in this? HE SEES: How much it polices that it in general it was disponibilizada for this great event, you police them to all had been obliged to be present. Chevron Corp takes a slightly different approach. The streets had been swept and clean, beggars, beggars or thieves are know there where, find that the 100 km squared of entorno of in agreement Brasilia determination of the security of the President of the U.S.A? The people had been ludibriadas that President went to make a speech for + or? 30 a thousand people, all maneuver politics, the Brazilian always is deceived in such a way in its Parents Brazil as for others, Frustrou the people saying that he went and did not make (politician thing Well) and how much it lost itself in values in this information will be that it goes to be divulged? I DOUBT. The accepted Brazilian is fool everything, unhappyly was conditional to accept muzzle since of the discovery of Brazil, unhappyly the Brazilian people has slave mind. Everything because of this LAMBEO OF BAG, for the foreigners of is there, PRA THAT? OQUE the PEOPLE EARNS WITH THIS, now that E.U.This in worse? It lost pra CHINA, JAPAN and the AMERICAN is magnificent and not accepted defeat (well the face of them), and the Brazilian instead of being in house, of IBOPE PRA THIS CAMBADA OF OPPORTUNISTS AND URUBUS OF the BRAZILIAN POLITICS.

Maus Citizens

Maus Citizens

Independently of the practised types of corruption, the citizens who to desire a government efficient and transparent must be intent to the signals that the government emits. A serious and well intentioned administrator chooses as assessors, representative people and that they have good reputation and administrative capacity. Corrupt mayors vehemently oppose if to any form of transparency. They prevent that the City council fiscalizes the expenses of the city hall and search to compromise the councilmen with fraudulent projects. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as British Petroleum by clicking through. At the same time, they do not admit that given countable and other information of the public administration (payment leaf, for example) they are you deliver the independent organizations and to the citizens, nor that these have access what is transferred in the Executive.

. Therefore, the PARTICIPATION of all is imperative the community (honest citizens) in the fiscalization of the job of the public money so that the same it can benefit the collective one, and not a restricted group of friends of the power. It is joined we, Looks for to know and TO PARTICIPATE of the CONCIMA Advice of Citizens of Maus This Advice searchs to become transparent the public administration in the city of Maus..

Brazilian Country

Brazilian Country

However, while the Brazilian people if not to acquire knowledge of that those that do not work with love for the Country, do not demonstrate persistence for the public thing, must be enxotados with vassouradas of there. However, everything normally runs and flows, while these imbeciles who vote without responsibility, are in the day the day with children in age to study with dignity there, to have access to a good health, adjusted feeding, to obtain a work, will remain kept out of society, without the most crucial protection and, with the affirmation of that the Country is making its part! These scoundrels do not have arrumao! They already had incorporated its lives to these disobediences and for them everything is normal, therefore the people for they is a social parcel that has on account proper the duty of if capsizing with its proper ways, either it well or badly, therefore they not they have nothing to see with this! In this wonderful Country it lacks a fiscalization with the purpose of really fiscalizing, but for where they walk these worthy men for this so essential work?. . .

Union Politics

Union Politics

Thus being, one srdida and stingy wage politics in relation to the public office with deep cuts of public expenses in important and essential sectors was created so that the State can function and take care of the necessities of the Brazilian people. During the management of government FHC and its political party, the PSDB, they had been made the fiscal adjustment lasting; the guided economic reforms for the market, that, folloied of one industrial and technological politics, they had aimed at to guarantee the internal competition and they had created the conditions for the confrontation of the international competition; capenga reform of the social welfare penalizando the workers of the private initiative and the public officers of the Union, the States and the Cities; the innovation of the instruments of social politics, providing bigger abrangncia and promoting quality for the social services better, what in the truth it did not happen; the reform of the device of the State, with sights to increase its ' ' governana' ' , that is, its capacity to implement of efficient form public politics, what indeed it did not happen. One of the exponents of this transformation of the State was the economist Bresser Pear tree. It at the time affirmed: ' ' Since when eliminating state monopolies, when eliminating privileges in the providence and recouping its financial balance, since when to remodel the device of the State and to become the bureaucracy most responsible before the government and the nation, since when privatizing, when opening the country commercially of pragmatic form, since when place day the day (sic) for the fiscal adjustment and the stability of the currency are to be engaged in neoliberal reforms? ' ' (BRESSER PEAR TREE, 1997, p.68). gave to the blow of mercy when defending the Minimum State in the following way: ' ' To be neoliberal, also for Bresser Pear tree, is to defend a minimum State. .

Public Administration

Public Administration

The paradigm adopted for many to make public administration privileging one alone to be able, absolute and irresponsible with characteristics well next to the proposal of the Hobbesianismo -, is of responsibility of who makes separately it, not of executive all governmental that has courage to carry through the participativo budget, for example. She is necessary to pontuar that in some cases the agreement of that the social control is a participativo instrument of the society, exerted mainly for the advice, that must be pautado democratically by the politics and/or the legal right, not for the will of the men, public good, above of the particular fondness has happened not. Any position that does not prioritize the endorsed collective interest in the impessoalidade, the morality and the equity, is the consolidation of the shunting line of behavior, appropriate and waited for who if it considers to be public agent. If it considers if manager with seriousness and commitment, the debates established in conferences and the advice of rights must accepted and be reflected as mechanisms that they corroborate for the half good of what he is public when pointing that they make possible to perfect the management, they reduce, they eliminate or they prevent wastefulnesses, the shunting lines and the malversaes in the application of the public resources. Such instances search to assure that the public and social managers if compromise to the excellency in the conception and implementation of the programs, projects and services.

The deliberations of the conferences and the advice of rights must be respected as the fondness of the society that undertakes constants and intense movements, surrounded of contradictions, what, additionally, it demands that to trends, models, adopted positions and explicit and implicit intentions are identified, valuing at the different moments the steps given in the direction of the reinforcement of the democracy, of the improvement of the quality of life of the people and social justice. Today it is unacceptable that in any situations the manager defines for maneuvers and/or constaint of the entities, to intervene with the composition of advice, in the indications of the representatives of the civil society, being that the same ones must act independently in the social control. Practical other that it must if banished for acting in the contrahand of the exercise of the social control, is the pressure on the members of the advice, is representative of the public power or the civil society, so that they are lined up to the interests of the manager duly warned to suffer administrative, politics or exactly economic sanctions. Attempts of this nature, of neutralization of the action of the advice, are impediments important to be denounced in the MP and faced politically. Therefore, the public or agent agents of the civil society that acts in the structures of support of instrumentalizao of the social control, cannot, or she would not have to be able, to be displayed and tortured in its public and personal professional moral, therefore they play functions based on the Constitution of 1988, that is in established landmarks after-dictatorship, if seats in the idea of that how much bigger the participation of the society in the decisions on public politics, plus them will answer to the interest of the collective one. This, for consequncia, demands the overcoming and the repudiation of the traditional form of exercise of the governmental power directed toward a personal particular petty politics that, acting strong centered, is tied with the reinforcement of practical clientelistas and patrimonialistas.