Web Design Department
The higher result was that testing increases the ROI. In each case more than 50% of marketers improved ROI (even in moderation) testing. The conclusions of this study without precedents can be: 1. There is a common denominator among the tests that obtained the highest ROI study (Landing page, a/b Testing, Subject Line), and it is all have to do with the power of the written word, in all cases the word was more effective than creativity in graphics. This leads me to think the great importance which has to develop certain skills of writing or having the right people to do it, and to pay for a good design of a cover of an ebook, definitely worth investing, either in a specialist to create our sales letters, Classifieds, headers, etc.; or in our training to develop those skills. 2. It’s believed that Prudential Financial sees a great future in this idea.
The results also show that the Lnading Pages (or landing pages, where you land after clicking a link), are critical. Which means that the email marketing department has to work hand in hand with the Web Design Department. The Department of E-mails may not already be more isolated. 3. E-Mail Marketing is very very far from dying, as also mentioned in the study, the recommendation is to strengthen the technical areas related to email marketing. This also means that analysis of the email is not only complete with know who opened the email and who gave the links, clicking is necessary to include information after the click. 4. In a survey conducted by on December 22, 2006 to over 5,000 webmasters and webmarketers revealed that, although 79% believed that optimization in search engines (SEO for its acronym in English), was the best tactic of 2006, most found that email marketing was his most productive traffic tactic in 2006.
What more reinforces the approach. 5. The challenge will then remain testing, testing something, anything, even a testing simple voucher worth if you can use the pa ra resultaodos create graphs that show results. Your goal: the testing by email to make something on what is worth investing.