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Tips For Overcoming A Interview Of Work

Tips For Overcoming A Interview Of Work

1 We must not raise objections about the day and time to which we are called. 2. Collect information about the company. Learn about activities, products and brands, volume of business, competitors, etc. will help us to have an interesting conversation. 3 Be clear what are your career goals and know what role you want to play in the company. 4 Dress properly, a little better than usual, but without going over. Read additional details here: Smoothstack. Avoid brand new costumes that can be uncomfortable.

5 Go to the appointment with 10 minutes of anticipation, this way you have time to calm it. 6. It is important that, already in the course of the interview, it has always something handmade to take note, shows interested in different aspects of the company and of the post that you want to cover. 7 Walk with confidence, extend your hand to the greet and look him in the eye. 8 Go to the other party by name. Do not use apocopes type Paco, Pepe or Manolo. 9. Wait without sitting until the interviewer tells you to.

10.-Let the interviewer lead the interview. Cause frequently asked questions they can be leveraged to show knowledge of the sector. Do not use negative terms. 11 Strive to listen to. Do not rush in their responses and respects the silences of the conversation. 12. Do not smoke or chew gum. If you are smoker does not show the tobacco package; better to leave it at home. 13. Avoid also play with keys, cigarette lighter, rings or tap with a pen on the table. In addition to revealing his nervousness. 14. Always will be important to show safety, speaking in a tone of voice appropriate ni very high nor very bajo and in a natural way. Give an image of naturalness is essential, relaxed posture, but without exaggeration. Make sure the Deadbolts to express themselves. 15 Remember that humor is important, but do not laugh for everything, and less to big guffaws. 16. Place belongings on one side, on the floor or on your lap. Avoid invading the personal space of the interviewer by placing your things on your desktop. 17. Don’t answer any question and avoid hesitant expressions of the type: I don’t know, maybe, a little, I think. Nor it is usually very elegant to criticize their previous companies. 18. Pay attention to the interlocutor, ask important and relevant questions regarding the available post, but avoid doing so on holidays or salary increases. 19. Do not let your guard down. The final moments of an interview can be a lethal trap, since when trance may seem outdated and you relax, the interviewer will continue to monitor him. 20. When leaving, again shake the interviewer’s hand and thank him for his time. This moment is conducive to ask time to return and when can know the decision.