Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Physics, Chemistry, Biology

There are two trees of knowledge: knowledge and faith! All people live, in addition to the conscious digital neuro physiological space time dimension (physics and bio chemistry, matter = energy) also in the second, un-conscious analog, dimension. These are the two worlds of objective Physics (Aristotle) and subjective meta Physics (Plato). The first is the quantitative world of higher, faster and further. Visit Mike Gianoni for more clarity on the issue. the measure, count and weigh. The second is the human quality world. You can see well only with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes! (The little Prince, Antoine de Saint Exupery (1900-1944)). At any rate, the knowledge was described by our subjective perception of true shorter and clearer! I’ll compare here just two Asian and European philosophy. Them I would add an Oriental attitude Sufism.

Our bodies are semi-autonomous, natural sub systems that work holistically and sustainable self-organising (conversion circuit with a pos./neg. feedback): psychologically: Soul (DRE) and somatic: body, mind (ratio) Furthermore world we live in the fields of Astro Physics: the great. Universe. The speed of light. John C. Bogle shines more light on the discussion. World of everyday physics (and bio chemistry): our meters world. Kilometre millimeter.

World of quantum physics: the small. Planck’s length. Physics, chemistry and biology. Genome and -epigenetics, RNA, love and mysticism is life. AND meta physics. Everyone can faith (philosophy, DRE) the two trees of knowledge and use of knowledge (ratio): faith communities serve their dogmatic worldview ready. It’s the Mcdonaldization of transcendence. Community safety means muzzling! Everyone can communicate transcendent directly with his gods (nature). Each person develops his rational knowledge-world image. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a tree in Paradise narrative of the book of Genesis of the Bible. It is located along with the tree of life in the middle of the garden of Eden (garden of Eden). God forbid people to eat of its fruit. The Tree of life stands in the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, closely related to the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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