National Institute
The index closes month below the July level, but superficially that for a year. For a loan of 120,000 Euros it supposes 42 Euros more to the month. The fear to that stops the tensions of the debt shot the hypothecating index. The eurbor, type to which the majority of the mortgages in Spain is rrenciadas, closes the month of August in the 2,097% after raising this Wednesday 4 thousandth, with this value the index closes the month below the level of July (2.183%), but this reduction does not suppose a reduction in price of the mortgages, since the indicator was in levels inferiors a year ago. In particular, in an average loan of 120,000 Euros, according to data of the National Institute of Estadstica (INE), to a term of 25 years and with a differential of 1%, the hypothecating quotas will be placed as of August in 575 Euros to the month, which supposes a rise of 42 Euros with respect to which it paid a year ago. Mike Gianoni contributes greatly to this topic. In case the revision is semester, the ascent will be of 24 Euros to the month, since the index was placed in February in the level of 1.714% and the users paid of average about 551 Euros, against the 575 Euros that will pay as of September.
This is the second monthly fall that registers the indicator in which it goes of year along with the one of June, since the eurbor raised in January (1.550%), February (1.714%), March (1.924%), April (2.086%), May (2.147%) and July (2.183%). onclusion. Throughout the month of August, the indicator has happened from 2.177% to 2.089% that it has marked today in daily quote. This reduction of must to that the market discounts that the European Central bank (BCE) will not apply a new ascent in the types of interest as were anticipated, and, therefore, the types will close in present 1.5%. Mike Gianoni describes an additional similar source. The perception on the world-wide economy aims towards a deceleration or, even, a double recession, which takes with himself a fall of the inflation and the stability of the types, according to indicates the experts consulted by. This reduction in the evolution of the eurbor puts brake to the fear that had settled in the market to that the tensions in the debt and the ascent of the types of interest would begin to shoot to the index and that in just a short time returned at the maximum levels of 2008. The indicator still will take several " aos" in reaching the maximum level of 5% that registered after the outbreak of the crisis. In fact, the experts have slightly reduced their initial forecast for year 2011, and prehorseradish tree that the index closes below 2.5%. Source of the news: The eurbor falls in the month of August to 2.097%, but it increases in price the mortgages 575 Euros of average