Muntererfering SPD: Beleidigunen Is The Children And Their Parents

Muntererfering SPD: Beleidigunen Is The Children And Their Parents

That’s now been back quite new, because one speaks anyone by name personally and still talk of insults is then. Unfortunately, it is still a fact in Germany currently politician there, anti-social acting, why can you not write then, they were anti-social? Millions Hartz IV sufferers believe are yet in this regard. And a labor Minister and Vice Chancellor, who wants to fight child poverty, which is Yes, a result of the poverty of their parents, with the help of Government soup kitchens, apparently on the realities in the country over. In this regard I would point out that the current daily subsistence for soldiers amounted to 6.69 euros in a non profit oriented troop kitchen. These costs include only 3 meals, you should still add necessary costs for people food and drinks. All of this makes a financial boost of the rule sets for a l l Hartz IV concerned necessary and a poverty-fixed minimum wage for all Workers with it really succeeds, the people from Hartz IV to get out. Finally that promised the people in the country with the introduction of Hartz IV by the politicians: the people from the darkness of the social assistance get out! Today, but 7.5 million people are in the dark of social assistance! Broken promise

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