Media Manager
Social Media Manager’s career goal today is the time of social media. Details can be found by clicking Ben Kunz or emailing the administrator. Almost every citizen is in contact every day with them. Not only distinct networks of different individuals are created through social media, but also new jobs. Now specialists for social media work in every second German company to make the brand known, to sell products or to attract new employees. Businesses have recognized that the customer dialogue and marketing in the new media means more than creating a Facebook page or a Twitter account. Complex creative campaigns with a particularly emotional speech have become necessary. Learn more about this with Mike Gianoni.
Social Media Manager with this special knowledge are therefore sought after than ever. The coveted communication experts are trained to 2013/14 in Stuttgart starting in the winter semester. In the new Bachelor’s degree course in social media management at the Academy of media, the students learn the professional use of social media and communities. This ranges from the development of entrepreneurial communication strategies about campaign planning, Content distribution, community activation up to the monitoring and crisis management. Still there are vacancies for the upcoming semester. There is more information under: social media management /.