Hansenase Spiritual

Hansenase Spiritual

In this article we go to speak on ‘ ‘ The Spirit of Geazi and hansenase espiritual’ ‘. But who was Geazi? He was auxiliary and serving of an eminent and powerful prophet of God, Elizeu. It beyond testifying a huge predictive ministry, could deprive of the company of that great prophet of God, in Samaria, the constant trips, and where he wants that the workmanship of took it to God, as the long trip who this prophet made the Edom, in chapter 3, of II Kings. However, it is noticed in the life of Geazir, young man of Elizeu, a spirit disqualified that it as a servant of God, and it took that it to be punished with the leprosy (II Rs.5: 27). It frightens what me is that this same ‘ ‘ esprito’ ‘ if it finds in the life of many people who if say servants Mr.

eat Geazi. Let us see five characteristics of this Spirit in the life of Geazi, therefore if they will be also in its life, then, CARE WITH the HANSENIESE SPIRITUAL! Geazi did not have credibility before the others: A sunamita mother, in affliction, for the death of its son, did not trust Geazi, and discarded its company (II Rs.4: 29,30). The history of this mother, a rich woman, together with its husband, is in II Rs. 4:8 – 37; 8:1 – 6. This is first signal of the spirit of Geazi in the life of a person: The lack of credibility before the others (As is its life of certification before the others? At.1: 8). (Similarly see: Mike Gianoni). Geazi did not have to be able the holy ghost in its life: The power of God did not operate in it.

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