Ensuring Production

Ensuring Production

The fact that there are many negative aspects that need to be processed, to make way for a new change for the participation of SMEs in the current market dynamics, both in national scene, as in international, for example, that there are significant numbers of poorly trained staff in the production line., little improvement in the areas of productivity. Ignorance of the scope, quality impact generated. Lines and production processes slow and uncertain. Very little guarantee the quality of end products and services; negative organizational climate, communication problems, team management, lack of participatory leadership, proactive ergonomics that leaves a lot to say. SMEs noted in the vast majority who have failed a serious commitment by management to train, train their human resources towards a culture of quality and efficient productivity, lack of commitment, turnover, work equipment. Misuse and use of line balancing, planning and production control, quality control, plant layout, extra manpower, inappropriate techniques. We need to once and for all management is to integrate more with the need for a culture of quality and productivity that allows you to compete, you seize their resources, opportunities that arise and ensure survival particularly successful enterprise development.

Further action is needed, changes that help to foster quality and productivity expected results, it is suggested, as others have said, to lay down measures to encourage the improvement of work teams, increased cohesion, participation, functions well defined according to the reality of the production processes are. Adequate supply of machines and instruments.: Ensuring the safety, proper handling of staff turnover, staff organization with well established production to ensure performance, achievements: Recruitment of staff according to the profile required to ensure productivity; well-defined production system, health and safety, facilities maintenance employees, improving customer services, ergonomics; definition and planning of adequate production, use and techniques. modernizing the appropriate machines and tools; Safety of machinery; Definition of the characteristics of the product, balancing the production line, machine control, personnel training, formulation policy, individual motivation at work, development of teamwork; definition of responsibilities, among others. It should be much emphasis by management on the importance, level of achievement of quality and productivity, have a good quality system, since, as said Santiago Macias, this facilitates, standardizes and improves processes. The dissatisfaction of the user. Improving the image of the organization., The provision of services. As well as the health, safety of employees., Quality of product or service. Increase competitiveness. Protect the environment.

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