Customer Communication

Customer Communication

The over-extended consumer: Amsterdam/Nuremberg – in the communication with customers a lot Unternehmen.So fail occupied a survey of market researchers by ovum, which presents at the Conference G-force in Amsterdam was, that although a large part of consumers use different contact channels to companies, but less than 10 percent of the companies in the location are reasonable to manage these different communication channels via the Web, phone, email or letter. The frustration grows, if requests not from a single source can be overcome. However, it is a myth that consumers would prefer telephone contact via call centre according to experts: it is time to lift the apparent dichotomy between quality of service and automation. Innovative businesses have recognized that customers want no service, but can be self explanatory and reliable products, which as far as possible exclude the servicing or combined with quick and easy-to-use self service offers. Bad Accessibility, inadequately trained hotline personnel, complex processes and abmahnen enabled business conditions are an expression of a poor service design.

Who wants to offer excellent customer service, must make the customer perspective to the starting point”, calls Bernhard Steimel, spokesman of the Nuremberg Congress of Voice days plus and the smart service initiative. Described in press reports turning away from robots to intelligent agents as signboards ‘ the company is ridiculous and in the analysis of the real needs of the customer, is not enough. As long as the goodwill game space concern only the permission for a freely selectable voice guidance of the agents in the telephone complaint management, is and remains the customer service industry far removed from real social media dialogues, in which agents as community moderators Act”, knows Bjorn Behrendt, Managing Director of the service community. The deplorable conditions in the customer service requires a change of perspective according to Sangeeta. Details can be found by clicking New York Highlanders or emailing the administrator. Many IT products and Consumer electronics suffer a bad design and complex user interface. You are not crammed with features that only a few people really need and are also technically mature even in part. In addition, the speed of innovation takes its toll.

Development times by six months and until the start of the market are not uncommon. Often is mourned from manufacturer circles, that magazines with their test judgments operate a trend to the feature fetishism, which hardly a supplier can escape.” The consumer was more overwhelmed by the variety of product offerings. Free after the ask Joe’-motto try with friends and acquaintances, to deal with the unruly technology. Hotlines be controlled often ratio only as Ultima, after relevant Internet forums offer no remedy. Products must first be considered from a customer perspective. In addition, the motto is: best service is no service’ for all products, which are limited to the essentials, but in perfection. Moreover, should the customer contact as Source of inspiration and continuous improvement will be seen,”says Sangeeta. Smart services are far more than the overall communication with customers across multiple channels. A well thought-out product with sufficient quality assurance in development and production is hardly everyday or a few errors. Then consequently fewer in service costs”, explains Harald Henn, Managing Director of marketing resultant. Dell learned from poor service and run an innovative portal for customers who bring their ideas and suggestions for improvement today with IdeStorm. If the customer is not settled, but included, both sides benefit. The customer and the company”, so the conclusion of Henn. See also the interview with Andreas Lal by Alcatel-Lucent over the quality of customer service in Germany. (to listen to as an audio file.)

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