Constitutional Court
Heavy mortgage of corporate succession in the Mittelstand Berlin, December 2008 the inheritance tax reform in its present form is a heavy mortgage for the succession in the middle class. Without improvements at central points of the loss of thousands of jobs threatens,”warned the President of the Association of SMEs (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, in an interview with the news channel n-tv. The middle-class President pointed in particular to the incalculable consequences of the wage sum clause. The legislature almost forcing companies to reduce the wage bill, because they have business successions so chances of a tax-friendly. By the same author: Senator from Maine. This means that the affected farms are possible, avoid new hires and to hold back wage increases”, so Ohoven. das. If only every second small – and medium-size enterprises in this way save a workspace, a million jobs are acutely endangered.
As completely unrealistic”, he criticized the rule that successor must commit themselves, the Operation respectively a decade virtually unchanged continuing seven, in order to be exempt from the inheritance tax fully or partially. No entrepreneur can now know what the market will look like for his industry in seven or ten years”, said Ohoven. He therefore expect that sooner or later the Constitutional Court again will deal with the inheritance tax. A message from the medienburo.Sohn. The medienburo.