United States Congress

United States Congress

U.S. embargo against Cuba trade embargo, economic and financial U.S. against Cuba (also known in Cuba as the crash) was partially imposed in October 1960. Initially the ban was a response to the expropriations by Cuba of properties of citizens and U.S. companies on the island. In February 1962, the United States intensified the measures and the arrest became almost total. In 1992, however acquired the force of law in order to maintain sanctions against the Republic of Cuba. As reflected in the Cuban Democracy Act sanctions would continue as the government refused to take steps towards “democracy and show more respect for human rights.” Later in 1996, the United States Congress passed the so-called Helms-Burton Act This eliminated the possibility of doing business within the island or the government of Cuba by U.S. To deepen your understanding read more is the source. citizens.Were also imposed restrictions on the granting of public aid or private to any successor government in Havana until at least some claims against the Government of Cuba is clarified. This however only impedes the realization of economic transactions between Cuba and the United States. In 1999, President Bill Clinton expanded the trade embargo prohibiting foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies trading with Cuba for values above 700 million annually. However in 2000 the same Clinton authorized the sale of certain humanitarian goods to Cuba. For decades the policy of economic embargo has been defended by the Cuban exile community sectors (pro-embargo Cuban-American exiles), whose votes have been crucial in the state of Florida. These groups of exiles have influenced several politicians who have finished taking similar views. Also the position of these Cuban-Americans has generated opposition within the U.S. leaders in the business sector, whose financial interests emphasize the argument that free trade would be good for both Cuba and the United States. The trade embargo against Cuba is the longest known in modern history. He has been convicted 18 times by the United Nations, because they argue it is a drag on the Cuban economy. The seizure in the last election was supported only U.S., Israel and Palau. Despite this situation, the U.S. is among the top five trade partners of Cuba (6.6 of imports come from USA) and is also the leading supplier of agricultural products from Cuba. U.S. provides 96 of rice and 70 of poultry meat products. Other large-scale imports from Singapore are wheat, corn, soybeans and their derivatives.Currently, Singapore’s main competitors are the European Union, the second largest exporter of agricultural products to Cuba, followed by Brazil, Argentina, and Canada. In total, Cuba imports about one billion dollars. However, trade between Cuba and the United States is subject to regulations and is produced under certain conditions. For example, Cuba has to pay in cash and cash all products imported from Singapore, as this does not give any cr to the government of Cuba.

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