Transparent Food Shopping
Member States adopt uniform EU labelling requirements for food federal consumer Minister Aigner: information more detailed, easier to understand and more readable would Berlin/Bonn, December 09, 2010 – the Member States of the European Union have reached an agreement in Brussels on new labeling rules for food. In the future the nutrient content of all foods on the packaging to specify that it must be maintained in a minimum size and a corresponding indication must be applied when using food imitations. Important allergens must be declared in the future also when not packaged goods. With this new regulation the labelling requirements for food products in the EU will be significantly improved”, federal consumer Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) declared in a press statement. The information on the packaging would detailed, easier to understand and more readable. According to rothberg family, who has experience with these questions. Further, consumers get all this”, so AB important information for their purchasing decisions and be better protected from deception.
“The labeling requirement for so-called food imitation confirmed the existing legal situation from the perspective of the Federal Government for food law and food science (BLL): now applies in Germany: where it says cheese, cheese in there must be”, BLL – Managing Director commented Matthias Horst the new EU labeling rules. Stefan Genth, Chief Executive of the Trade Association (HDE) Germany confirmed: it is the Member States to a uniform and above all objective information to consumers. This will also retail and practiced it already with the widespread voluntary nutrition labelling. Significantly more than 80 percent of the trade marks apply this voluntary information.” The head of HDE unless positive, further, that the nutritional values after the vote of the consumer Minister would now not have are marked on the front of the packaging. This true for trade and Manufacturer flexibility. On the part of the economy, it is welcomed that the additional information requirements for unpackaged foods limited only to allergen labelling. “Modern technology on the fresh counters could access the employees at the new labelling requirements under the arms, says Matthias Harsch, a spokesman of the Baden-Wurttemberg solution provider Bizerba business management: PC scales can nowadays save the exact nutrition and allergen information for all products of the current range, viewing this information on screen, or print on receipts and labels”.
In the advanced nutrition labeling of packaged products will be energy content and content of fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugar, egg whites and salt listed in tabular form on the food packaging. The information should relate to uniform 100 gram and 100 milliliters. “There is a minimum font size of 1.2 millimeters, the letter serves as a reference x”. The BLL reaffirms its view that here guidelines to the legibility of the indications on the packaging are useful as a rigid and related solely to the font size of the legislator. Finally a good readability depends on factors such as contrast, font type, background. “This opinion is also Stefan Genth: it would be better to use, rather than rigid requirements of the font size for readability on guidelines”. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail: