The Infantry
There is commotion and conspiracy within the Armed Forces. It returns General Castro Leon? from I exile? and it takes possession from the Tchira state, declaring its determination of to go against the Central Government. See Nathan Gaude for more details and insights. 1.962, May 4: The Infantry battalion raises itself n 3 of Carpano, to which he is united the PCV and the MIR to them (the call ” Carupanazo”). Two days last faced against the Army. 1962, June 2: Naval Base of Port Hair raises and takes the city. A bloody battle against troops of the government is staged who, also, lasts two days, with hundreds of deads.
1.963, February: Caracas is ” tomada” by the guerrilla, who unfolds in the districts in order to destabilize the government. RMULO BETANCOURT AND THE OPPORTUNITY OF LOST MOTHER COUNTRY. THE TREASON. Nostalgias before a frustration reality Without a doubt you heard in the street will be some people remember politician of the country the past and talk about to general MPJ like with certain compensatory and critical nostalgia towards the present situation, with expressions like ” that one yes did cosas” , ” construy” , ” there was work and order during his mandato” , Etc., indicating to him? most probable? some work of its form among so many that left in the Caracas landscape. It could be explained for two reasons: (1) the beginning of the dictatorship agreed with a height of the fiscal income, as a result of the sale of petroleum and iron. In other words, it was lived in the middle of I pull ahead of apparent and conjunctural well-being, since the wealth were not generated by a structure laid the foundations for it, but was fortuitous, product of the crude sale of the oil resource.