The Consumer
We thus entered the era of the power of the consumer. These are the ones who through Internet mentally generate a purchase decision or another through opinions about products and or certain services. More social spaces will be created every time buy, comment, and generating networks of contact. It grows and viral marketing through the network will grow a positive opinion at frenetic pace, it will be worth an empire. A negative opinion, can make fall an empire. Or may not be is an online marketing company that, in these times of the market, about their web solutions to all companies and businesses that see the great opportunity for the future that is actually on the Internet. We want to help the companies to enter into the network with all guarantees, to use this medium as one more to market, distribute, capture, retain and monetize any action at affordable prices, said Ignacio Lafuente, director of the company. For more information: or may not be Marketing Calle Fernan Gonzalez, 44 28009 Madrid Tel: 914009058 about being or not being Marketing be or not be Marketing Online is a company specialized in Internet that offers comprehensive online marketing services, optimizing your business..