Web Design Studio Luxoris
This article is devoted to those who are new to search engine optimization, or can not write a qualitatively optimized header. I will try to give some tips to help you in the future to create a truly well-optimized titles. Each optimizer has to know that the headlines in the pages of its site, the most important factor after the reference, of course. It affects the ranking of your pages in search engines. Well written and optimized title – the number one in search engine optimization. In order to write well-optimized title: You must use a pair of the most important key phrases in the title, but maintain its attractiveness in the eyes of users, if the title is not attractive then, no one on it will not be ignored.
The most important key phrases to use at the beginning of headings, less important in the end. For example, my key phrases: website development, web – IAB, in which the phrase "website development" is the most important among them. Do: Website Design – Web Studio Luxoris Kazan page title needs to be done so that it talking to your audience for which it is intended, rather than to fill it up fill it pointless set of key phrases. Use this tag to as effective as possible, so that it can communicate with your visitors, yet at the same time included a few important key phrases. In the above example I used the first key phrase "website development" and secondary "Web Studio", but, nevertheless, this title looks good and tells visitors that we provide services, creation of sites in the city of Kazan. I advise you to limit the number of characters in the title within 60 characters.
Of course, it is sometimes possible to exceed this number, because search engines consider each keyword in this tag. Thus, this figure varies between 60-100 characters. Do not use the same header on your site. Try to create unique headers for each page, use key phrases that contain the relevance of the topic at this page. (C) promotion and creation of websites: Web Design Studio Luxoris