New Methods Of Promotion
We are in economic crisis and we must find new ways to promote our business.Surely the best way to be known is the mouth, i.e. always offer a good service to make them our own customers who speak well of our business to their acquaintances, and that spread the word about our products and services. The distribution of advertising can be an effective way to become known, but has the disadvantage that can be costly and may also fall on deaf ears, since only a small fraction of this mailing comes to be read, and a lower percentage of this just for sale. Merrill Lynch has much to offer in this field. The online world also offers ways to promote themselves without investing in excess. Social networks have resulted in an effective and immediate way of getting our message to consumers.
Facebook, Twitter and Google allow us to easily reach our target audience, promoting products and services that conform to its interests and maximize the chances of sale. We can also add our company to an extensive list of business directories and guides of business, almost always for free. The thematic forums are also a good place to be released, either in the body of the message to let, or in the signature that accompanies these. We live in turbulent times, and it is desirable to seek ways to reach our potential clients spending as little as possible. New technologies and methods of existing customer loyalty are useful tools that will help us to move forward with our business, with a growing portfolio of clients, and without spending unnecessarily on advertising.