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Tag: read created literature network connects people



The children’s book author Thomas Hartmann has created together with his family, that connects literature network read people. The mentioned literature or reading network comprises four Internet sites. On the three Internet portals,, and, reading friends can their personal book recommendations, their reading tips, their book tips or your favorite books on its own”represent bottom. “” With the link your page “on this corresponding literature service page visitors reach”. According to the principle by readers for readers”the reading process or dealing with books and literature among the visitors to enriched in this way mutually. Read tips and book suggestions of other reading friends can positively also the reading motivation of many visitors. Book recommendations of other children can offer a great reading incentive just for children.

On the above literature portals, visitors also have the opportunity to find out about specific topics of reading, the Literature or the promotion of reading to inform. Specific contributions to the subject areas of reading, literature, and education are presented in a special reading area. With the special selection of these reports, the topic “Read” with all its multifaceted educational and leisure-related tasks and functions will be developed and described. Another thematic focus refers to the areas of the promotion of reading and reading motivation in children. The three Internet portals,, and are supplemented by the book shop portal. With approximately 300,000 book titles, an extensive book from all areas of children’s literature and literature shall be submitted visitors on this portal. In addition to books, non-fiction and books from the popular fiction, also school textbooks can be selected and ordered. The literature issued in the BuchshopOnline is sorted by topics, shown on the three above mentioned networks. Thomas Hartmann, of the Read concept has realized with wife Anette and daughter Julia, would be happy if as many reader friends would visit the newly developed literature network. First feedback confirm the family Hartmann in any case, that the new concept of reading can help to support the unifying function of books and literature. Alone this would even once strongly underscore the slogan of the family Hartmann: reading connects people.