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Commander Hugo Chavez

Commander Hugo Chavez

Before the amendment in Cabimas PPT result it assumes its responsibility although we regret the mechanical reissue of the result obtained on 23 November last year, it is appropriate to collect glasses and analyze the subject away from prejudices from the critical point of view. Many people afraid to sit and discuss the because winning the alcaldia de Cabimas with fellow Felix Bracho lost the amendment with fellow Hugo Chavez three months later. Could it be that most people Chavez and revolutionary of Cabimas wants more Felix than to own Commander Hugo Chavez? This question can generate other more that does not come to the case dealt with in this attempt at analysis that I am obliged to make before the arrogance of some colleagues who celebrate having fulfilled the goal of 60 thousand votes, when in my neurons had the idea of winning and others who throw the donkey pal monte to the Commander with the scarcity of resources producing sway of words that never had to leave the fraternal debate in the intimacy of the party to which they belong or failing in the bosom of the local Patriotic Alliance where it is assumed we all grouped together. They should not rejoice in opposition since they also left with a lead in the wing. And say this because this demonstrated that a political analysis cannot be never solved with a mathematical operation and although both alert to our membership and our allies about the fear to repeat the result from November 23, this alert was received as a fatalistic message by Deputy hair who in a meeting with the Alliance said in a triumphalist tone than the victory in Cabimas was irreversible as we had removed the Mayor’s Office to the opposition and had fired more than 3,000 employees and who for this reason were politically bruised. After a hard work undertaken by our electoral post we form the Patriotic Alliance, in a modest effort made with the intention to constitute a collective leadership of the process in Cabimas.