

Researchers say the annals of the later insertion made by experienced pravschikami, on those pages where it says to move the capital to Novgorod. Ancient Ladoga – the place where born Russia. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Nina Devlin. There is every reason to believe that it is the old Ladoga, which united the tribes around him, and became the place the birthplace of the legendary Russ. These excavations show that to 830 in Old Ladoga and around it, had the social formation under the name growing up, which soon became familiar to us Rus. It was a community warriors, merchants and craftsmen who lived along the banks of the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga.

In this community included the Scandinavians, Slavs, Finno-eel, representatives of many other tribes and nations, led by Prince. Ladoga, even then now spread its influence over a vast part of Eurasia. Evidence of this has led to numerous archaeological finds. Here were found many treasures of coins of different countries. For example, the Volga-Ladoga way has been found many treasures of Arab coins in viii. As for the origin of the word 'Russia', the controversy around it has overstepped all reasonable limits. Another Slovak linguist and ethnographer of xix century. Paul Shafranek believed that the river (rusa) gave its name to the people who made history as the 'Rus'.

The dictionary Dahl lot of dialectical words derived from the root of Russian connected with the river: channel, ruslina – Riptide, Rusen – the lintel of the board mermaid, Rust – 'water is rusticated', which means that it is the flow stream, etc. Some researchers believe that the concept of 'Russes' or' Russa ', anciently meant "living in the rivers',' the inhabitants of the rivers', 'river people'. Thus, the name 'Russia', originally should belong to communities living along the rivers. Such an association and become united tribes inhabiting the rivers of southern Lake Ladoga. Center, which became the Ladoga – the first capital of Great Russia. With regard to Kiev, then if you carefully read the first Novgorod chronicle, it's clear that the Normans brought the name 'Rus' first in the Lake Ladoga, and then to Kiev, where the name spread to the 'other'.

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