Sami Village

Sami Village

Ancient Sami lived near the shore of the sea. Magpie on the river bank was Sami village. Sami learned in the village that will soon come to them non-peaceful Swedes. In the village in the Sami was an old man, nicknamed "The older the head." Here's this old man and said: – Now all we need to run to another place, and then invading Swedes know that we live here, come and cause a lot of grief. We need to collect one hundred kerezh (carts) and a hundred oxen. I'll stay here in the village, waiting for intruders, and when they come, I will do so, that one of them outsmarted. Sami collected one hundred and one hundred kerezh bulls have left all the old man, while they themselves moved away, in another village.

The old man was alone in the village and became a non-peaceful Swedes wait. It took some time and saw the old man a lot of deer. It was a Swedish force. Here come the invaders and the old man asked: – Why does one live? And he answers: – Wait, I'll go now for his people. Their principal chief says – Take us to the fact where a new village.

The old man replied: – I'll take you, just go all in kerezhi. I have a hundred kerezh, but many people do you have? A strict boss says – I have a hundred people. The old man drove the deer and harnessed to each of kerezhku one bull. Then all the soldiers ordered to lie down in kerezhki and began to tie them tighter strings. Swedish leader asks: – Why you all in my power to bind kerezhki? And the old man and said: – tied to no Sami saw in advance, whom I carry, and then people will see sitting in kerezhkah people scared and run away. And then kill you all can. Let them think that I'm carrying the load. Head said: – Well, yes lead the tie. Come on. They're coming. Day passed evening came, the old man and said: – Well, now, soon podedem in the village will be at night so as not to see how we go. That tied a strap going after each other one hundred kerezhek. A chief of the old man tied to the front kerezhke. Go, go up the hill to the sea, past the River Crow. Stopped, hearing – the sea roars, and the chief enemy, and asked: – What's the buzz? The old man replied: – This is a salt and water in the sea fight! The chief did not understand the meaning of the word old. A the old man hurried and quickly drove a caravan of reindeer sled forward. Rode, rode straight to the edge of a high mountain rode, stopped the knife from his belt, pulled quickly, his kerezhku with the bull of the total belt snapped in one fell swoop, and the bull with kerezhkoy Head heavily lashed. The bull jumped off a cliff, and dragged him for the entire caravan. No sooner had the enemy knew it, found themselves in the chilly sea, and turned it into underwater rocks. A man with a bull and went back to his kerezhkoy fellow villagers. Sami village of Raven and still called that place "Hundreds of rocks." Living Antiquity

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