River Tubaro
The same author still considers that these effect must it ' ' organized, systematic character, of ours comportamento' ' (P. 87). Thus, the memory influences in the formation of the character of the individual, being able to correspond not only to the time and the place where this lives, but to the influences provoked for who it coexists, for what he hears? in the case of the verbal narratives? or that it reads, determining partner-cultural influences sights in the anthropology. UNCOMMON IN the NARRATIVES In accordance with the lexicon, the uncommon one runs away to the rules, is uncommon, abnormal (Michaelis, 2009, P. 480). However, myth and legend are uncommon by its very nature, since they are forms to explain the inexplicable one. The contents brought for the narratives, beyond preserving traces descriptions and antropolgicos, still show the uncommon one: it is uncommon that the awaken interest, curiosity.
If to observe the boarding of Bakhtin (2003), where ' ' each concluding element (…) can be used in all these trends (satirical, heroic, humorstica) (…) is possible the satirizao for the physical aspect, the limitation, the jeering, (…) is possible also the heroificao through the external image (…) ' ' , we will perceive that legends, myths, uncommon and grotesco serve to one same intention: to become the interesting personage, to become who account and what it counts interesting, in the attempt of to be olmos between the vegetation tripping. Thus, all the aspects of the narrative, either what it is told, as become and it carries through who it must exceed to the common one: one is becoming uncommon that she will perpetuate herself, one will espraiar and reach one of the primordial intentions of the narratives, therefore they cannot only exist, need to be in all the places, always. THE NARRATIVES COMPILED For the accomplishment of this work some narratives of the south region of Brazil had been compiled, understanding the geographic region of the Valley of the River Tubaro, the south coast of Santa Catarina.