Rio De Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro

The same letter that took a revolt message to the system politician for a militant one of the resistance, led, to mentally ill, an invitation to think about its conjugal relation sufficiently spends with the daily one. This ambiguity took care of the all type of thought, stirred up the militant ones, calmed the illiterate people, spread out the culture. It was the miracle of the genius of Chico that played with the words. Gold and brass in the same platform. The elite and the common people influenced with the same intensity. In the same context she came the dramatrgica production of Chico. One forms different to present the texts and the innovation of the sonorous track.

If it does not know if the teatrais parts were made to follow musics or they complemented if it. The loving ones of the theater crowded them, reproduced its parts. One more time the moment politician fomented the dissemination of the ideas and contraideas of the artist. The public was delirious better venerating its interlocutor. The people spoke through its workmanships. Finda the military dictatorship, the people could breathe.

Chico changed the speech and spoke of amenities. It sang the feminine one, the Brazilian etnia, the daily one. The public continues loving it, copying it, repeating its compositions. Chico continues active influential, the death will not make it inactive, therefore we will make it survivor. Chico Buarque, in music and the dramaturgia, is substance cousin, who lode or to come after it will be its product in virtue of the great influence that it bequeathed to the Brazilian society. REFERENCES ANALYSIS OF LETTERS OF MUSICS. Available in: . Had access in 01 Out. 2010. BIOGRAPHIES CHICO BUARQUE OF HOLLAND (1944). Available in: HTTP. Had access in: 01 Out. 2010. CHAMIE, Mrio. The prxis of Construction. In: FERNANDES, Rinaldo (org.). Op. cit., P. 319. CHICO BUARQUE OF HOLLAND (Composer and 19/7/1944 Brazilian writer), Rio De Janeiro (RIO DE JANEIRO) – Available in: . Had access in: 01 Out. 2010. CONDE, Gustavo. Of the cancionista laugh in Chico Buarque. In: FERNANDES, Rinaldo (org.). Chico Buarque of Brazil. Rio De Janeiro: Garamond, Foundation National Library, 2004, P. 244. FESTIVALS OF THE SONG: THE CROWN OF THE MPB. Available in:. Had access in: 01 Out.

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