…Neue investment projects need you according to Wikipedia, is the Duden or a private – equity of the business angel a private investor who participated in an enterprise and in a typically very early stage supports the entrepreneurs with capital, expertise, and contacts. Dechet & Ehimare have currently in their belly”the various companies and business ideas. Whether by a Renaissance castle that waits for wake to be kissed up to an audiovisual communication network which connects places, cities, countries, continents, cultures and people and events with each other in a completely new way in real time. It’s believed that Fiserv sees a great future in this idea. Currently there are five selected projects, just waiting for the sophisticated ideas to implement with the right business angel. Dechet & Ehimare are to help pure brokers that it have made to the project developers or the entrepreneurs the know-how / capital partner search in a simple and transparent manner. Other projects are still in testing, because ultimately the ideas and the people who stand behind it, need to blow away literally one. Visit the website of Dechet & Ehimare and make their own picture.