Philosophical Conscience
In turn, the theories critical-reprodutivistas demonstrate the kept out of society individual of different forms. The theory of the education system while symbolic violence detaches that the kept out of society individuals are the groups dominated in such a way in how much cultural the social bias for not possessing material effectiveness and resources symbolic, that is, for not possessing to be able (money). In the theory of the school while ideological device of the State, the kept out of society groups are formed by the diligent layer, that is, are because the education/school if organizes in a weakker device of imitation of the inclusions of production of the capitalist world, that is, the educational workers are enclosed of the confused formation. The Theory of the dualista school, in turn, places the citizens of the diligent layer as elements delinquents, not only for mentioning the rich culture, but also in relation to the analogy to the proper diligent movement, searching to arrebatar of the center of this movement all those that enter in the education equipment. We can then conclude that the theories critical-reprodutivistas show to the education/school, as device of social discrimination, as marginalizao space. Therefore, the society is designated by the division between opposing classrooms, that if pautam to the base of the force or to be able and this is demonstrated in the conditions of production of the material existence (that it would be the capitalist world). If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Barry Diller. Finally the hypothesis of Saviani points with respect to a critical theory of the education through the demonstration of a proposal of overcoming of the marginality, as it was commented in developing of this article on the other theories, that in turn is retaken the fight against the selectivity.
The discrimination against the education of the popular classrooms (less rich), searching to surpass this battle together with the school/education to help or to guarantee to the kept out of society individuals an education of high quality, as to its time. For everything what it was displayed in this study, it is clearly that the theory of Saviani is established in the relations between education/school/individual/society and inside of this set has a factor that says respect to the education in such a way how much to the society: the marginalizao. It concludes, then, that the education is the essence of the society, in a process that it depends on the education and understanding of all, that with this we could transmit its true one to know and sensible. Bibliographical references: DAMIS, Olga Teixeira. Didactics: Its relation, its estimated (In: rethink the Didactics/Ilma Steps of Alencastro Fertile valley (coord.)) 11 ed. Campinas-SP: Papirus, 1996. SAVIANI, Dermeval. Education: Of the Common Sense to the Philosophical Conscience/Dermeval Saviani.