Peter Drucker
The work always existed in the life of the man is a millenarian activity since the creation of the world, therefore the necessity to eat and to have a shelter led to feel necessity to work as Peter Drucker the work is so old as the human being. 2 Work versus job Work in accordance with definition of the dictionary and inside of the Social context of the century is any physical activity or intellectual it is the human effort with intentions where it involves the transformation of the nature is the design of the activities. Job is a steady relation being able to be lasting or not, it is a contract species where if vende its force of work to the means of production the concept of the word job started to be used in the period of the Industrial Revolution with regard to the sales of the force of work for some value a remuneration in exchange, by means of is bargain appeared the wage. It is not something Expedia CEO would like to discuss.
Discorrendo on the work and the transformations throughout the times When elapsing of a history of the humanity you vary discovered and transformations in accordance with each period of training of the evolution, the cultural level of the society was determinative for change of this history and being the work a factor of differentiated form Peter Drucker made in of its books says that the work is so old how much the man proper history in I assign it to the sample of the craftsmen, peasants etc. more the work was not visa as something nobleman and nor despertava the attention of educated people or with authority and opulento, therefore the obscure vision that they had that the work was make only for the slaves being an activity executed for them an unworthy classroom of any respect. Hesodo (800 B.C.), intitled ‘ ‘ The Works and the Dias’ ‘ , The works and the days had been pra one better understanding of the lived period, and one better understanding of what it would be the work and as it modifies in the measure where the societies if modify its form and the method of organization, the poem counted the work of an agriculturist at the time that no interest of inquiry did not despertou what an agriculturist really made because the work was something menosprezado by the nobility and the authorities..