Partnership Agreement

Partnership Agreement

He has much less authority and he bears less risk. He was not allowed to act as an active partner, and his name can not be used in the name of partnership. Limited Partnership has a tendency to grow out of private enterprise or a partnership with unlimited liability, when the business enters a passive partner to ensure additional funding for business growth. Partnership Agreement is not required, but in reality is important. The agreement establishes the duration of the limited partnership, the contributions, responsibilities, profit share and order out of the business of both types of partners. You can go to a notary in civil cases to draw up a contract or make it yourself using a sample contract. Taxes usually tax authorities of the Netherlands treated as active partners of private entrepreneurs. Active partner can thus benefit from tax credits for self-employment, pension reserve ('fiscal retirement reserve'), benefits for working spouses ('working partner's allowance') and payments out of business ('termination allowance').

Each active partner pays income tax on their share of profits. If the passive partner only provides capital for business, without incurring any liability to business creditors, the new tax system the Netherlands does not consider the passive partner as an entrepreneur. She considers him or her as a person with common law. The entrepreneur is taxpayer, which is due to entrepreneurial activity, and that directly leads to a firm commitment. Responsibility active partner is jointly and severally liable for the obligations company. Passive partner is not liable to third parties. His only risk is the possibility of losing the invested money to them. If you are married on the basis of joint economy, the lenders can also make a claim on the property of your spouse. If you are married by a marriage contract, personal property of your spouse partially or completely excluded from the field of business responsibility.

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