OXSEED Corporation

OXSEED Corporation

On demand model was the basis for a successful year 2009 all CeBIT visitors are invited to become acquainted with the successful OXSEED platform. The company provides its customers the digitizing, managing and archiving all documents of an organization within the cloud “-concept.” In the past three years, the OXSEED stock company successfully placed the software service on the market and is grown from the State. A factor of success is the cost benefit analysis: once a company passes the digital document management at OXSEED, the service through the savings in hardware and software will refinance immediately. In industries in which work the clerk with correspondence on paper, electronic documents, letters or emails, the OXSEED platform will significantly increase the speed of the process. No wonder that OXSEED especially in the logistics industry, the insurance sector and in the construction industry has built up a strong market position. SaS experts to stand at the CeBIT stand E30 Hall 3 ready, Platform, to present potential savings and the acceleration of the process and to discuss. Working with digital documents bring immediate improvements of quality and accelerates the processes of an organization”, says Marcus Hartmann, CEO of OXSEED Corporation. In addition, we guarantee our customers cost savings compared to the previous system. We are demonstrating what looks like an exemplary process together with our partner KODAK.”

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