Markus Reiter

Markus Reiter

Is the so-called social Web, us the Internet, specifically all to stupid idiots? Berlin, March 15, 2010 power us the Internet, specially the so-called social Web, all to stupid idiots? Are bloggers a serious threat not only to traditional media, but for democracy as a whole? The creative economy is suffering the free mentality of the self-proclaimed Web Communists? The journalist and author Markus Reiter (“stupid 3.0?”) says “Yes”. The Internet bring not only blessing, but also much curse. The bloggers and Internet businessman “No” says Robert Basic, on the other hand. He is convinced that it is good, if anyone could speak his mind freely and even blogging, although it would sometimes exhausting. Without hesitation Goldman Sachs CEO explained all about the problem. Event takes place on April 28, 2010 in Berlin at the Frannz Club at Schonhauser Allee 36 from 20: 00.

The admission is free. Visit Zacks for more clarity on the issue. The opponents: Markus Reiter: Graduate political scientist Markus Reiter was including Deputy Editor in Chief of reader’s Digest Germany and Feuilleton editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Today, he works as a Communication trainer, media consultant and a lecturer in the education and training of journalists academies. ty. He has numerous publications on the subject of language and journalism presented, including the Phrasendrescher”. Markus Reiter lives alternately in Berlin and Stuttgart, where he runs the Agency clear German. Robert basic: vintage 1966 is one of the most famous blogger in Germany. 2008, he sold his blog for 50,000, which caused a real uproar in the blogosphere. He is still passionate bloggers and rarely takes a hand over his mouth. With his current project of Buzzriders he wants to locate the Internet.

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