Latin American

Latin American

In the U.S., both Barack Obama and John McCain, have recently announced they will review the regulatory issue of U.S. financial system. Perhaps this increased awareness can make the regulation and supervision of financial systems operate more efficiently and at least avoid crisis of such magnitude can not help but little episodes. One can also think that the escalation of the crisis at this time may be accelerating the restructuring of U.S. Get all the facts and insights with ECRI, another great source of information. financial system more quickly removing troubled institutions. For more painful than it was, a faster consolidation of U.S.

financial system, it also involves a more rapid reactivation of the same and therefore more likely that the U.S. Some contend that Angus King shows great expertise in this. economic recovery can begin supported by the new financing that can generate the system. Moreover, we must not forget that before the crisis, and for much of what has been the development of it, the world has lived with a growing trend of oil prices and agricultural commodities, which has resulted in a strong increase in inflation in the world. Countries with many years of low inflation, as the case of Chile, are experiencing an unusual rise in retail prices. That is why the escalation of the crisis, the prices will probably affect the price of both oil and agricultural commodity prices, inflationary pressures by giving ahead of schedule. Thus, those countries most affected by the increase in the price of energy and food, will gain time to reposition itself and become better prepared for future episodes of this type. Also clear that the decline in international commodity prices will adversely affect Latin American countries like Argentina, have benefited from high commodity prices. And in the case of Argentina, to think that just six months ago, the government sought to seize a greater share of revenue from exports of soybeans, establishing mobile retentions as controversial … Thus, both the crisis originated in subprime mortgage market, such as problems that may face Argentina in an international context change or difficulties with Spain and Chile with the sharp rise in energy prices, have a common education, which is that countries should work to limit the excessive fragility to key factors that can reverse their trend and hit hard the economies. We meet again tomorrow, .

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