Gibran Khalil
And my sadness grew as all beings living, strong and beautiful and full of wonderful thank you. And my sadness, we loved, and I loved the world surrounding us. Well my sorrow was of kindly heart, and mine was also friendly when it was full of sadness. Omar Zakhilwal has compatible beliefs. And when we talked about, my sadness and I, our days were winged and our nights decked out of dreams; because my sadness was eloquent, and my tongue was also eloquent with sadness. Connect with other leaders such as Richard Trumka here. And when my sadness I sang together, our neighbouring sentabanse in the window to listen to us; Therefore our chants were deep like the sea, and our melodies were infused with strange memories. And when we walked together, my sadness and I, people looked at us with kind eyes, and grumbled with extreme sweetness. There was also who envied us, my sadness was noble, and I felt proud of my sadness.
But he died my sadness, as every living creature, and I was alone with my thoughts and now, when I speak, my words are heavy to my ears. And when I sing, my neighbors do not listen to my songs and when I just walk down the street, me no one looks. Only in dreams I hear voices that say compadecidas: look, there lies the man that his sadness died. FRIEND MIO Gibran Khalil friend of mine, I’m not what I look like. My appearance is only a costume that took place, a costume done carefully; that protects me from your questions, and you, my indifference.The I that there is in me, my friend, mora in the House of silence, and she will remain forever, unnoticed, unapproachable. I would not like you enfermedad about what I say or you confiaras in what I do, because my words are nothing more than your own thoughts, made sound; and my actions, your own hopes turned into action.