Comparative Advantages

Comparative Advantages

The reflection of the idea that the education increases the productivity of the individual, contributed for the mentality to invest in education to prosper to the development. These ideas above cited send in them Theory of the Human Capital of Schultz economist. The basic idea of this theory is the one that ' ' the education increases the productivity of indivduo' ' consequentemente plays an important role in the development of the Brazilian economy. Reflecting this theory we have the transformation of the work in merchandise, the human being passes to be thought as means of production, the human being only as cropper ' ' of activities favorable to the activity produtiva' '. In this period the Cepal with the objective was created to study the problems and to consider development politics, was one diffusing fort of the Theory of the Development that had great influence in Latin America. The contribution most important of the Cepal was its critical one to the Theory of the Comparative Advantages, that demonstrated that the wealth of some countries if of the one for the poverty of others.

The thought of that all the countries if would develop and that the development if of the one for a process of stages, that stops arriving to be developed was enough ' ' pacincia' '. This criticizes was a merit, therefore with the wealth come from exploration it did not have form of an explored country to arrive to prosper to the development. Finishing, in this phase, the education was had as responsible by making possible the productivity of each country and by evidencing that each country could arrive to be developed by the entailed education to the new industrial processes. The Brazilian education, in this period, strong was tied with the appreciation of the market for the necessities of economic development. III – Evaluation of the historical context, politician, economic and Brazilian educational politics.

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