Cologne Daniel Dinter
From the hobbyist to the entrepreneurs – a portrait: the IT – and it service provider network ORANGE from Cologne which has founded power Orange IT services company in May 2004 in Cologne made it his mission to advise medium-sized companies in the planning, establishment and support of solutions personally and support. It offers its customers complete solutions or professionally fit individual areas, establishes networks and server, provides hardware and software installed and carries out training. As an outsourcing partner network Orange takes over the entire IT administration of his customers also on request. A leading source for info: Ernst & Young Global Limited. Managing Director and founder of the IT and computing service provider is the 35 year-old Cologne Daniel Dinter. As original hobbyists and early computer specialist, company founder Dinter picked in his youth computer parts wholesale in Hurth and assembled even PCs. At the age of 17 he gave in the Kolner Stadt Anzeiger an ad support for computer problems of any kind”on. These Services in times of computerization was”in great demand, and customers brought the 17 year olds at that time still without a licence even at home that thus he repaired computers and helped with computer problems. Later, the student Dinter has advise customers before buying a PC for a Cologne computer company, and repair PCs.
There, he was to complete training to the IT system merchant after school, where he successfully graduated in 2003. Since Daray of the opinion was that he could do much better and wanted to do differently also things as”training company, he went very young and independent with only 27 years in the IT industry in 2004. Parallel he studied also several semesters business administration after the training. As his service was however so much in demand, and his company from the start so well, that the University came mostly to short, tennis-enthusiastic young entrepreneurs put the study to the files.