Coast Industry

Coast Industry

It had great objectives, inside the biggest ones was the elaboration of the national plan of development of fishes, ‘ ‘ Plan of Goals of pesca’ ‘. The SUDEPE also lacked (Supervision of the Development of Pesca), to give to assistance technique and financier of the enterprises of fishes, to carry through studies for the improvement of the laws, the fiscalization on the basis of the codes of fishes also coordination of assistance programs national and foreign technique. For the decree n. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Howard Cowan. 51868, the work group is created to consider lines of direction for development of fishes in Brazil, with a commission established for integrant of agency fishes on it, with the speech of that: the development of fishes, in its industry is huge source of national wealth.

This creation had great direction as: the expansion of the fishing production, the adequacy of the ports for fishes, the planning of the improvement of the nets of distribution of the product, the promotion of the exportations, the promotion of fishes artisan and establishment of one politics of prices that remunerated the producer well and that it was accessible to the consumer. Magnifying also expected and rationalization of the existing infrastructure of the fishing activity, beyond the biggest support technician and financier to the fishing and companies of fishes, and also the fishing exploration in all the aspects. In this exactly year is elaborated the first National Plan of Development Fishing boat, in 1962. In the mandate of Coast and It hisses, in 1967, for the Decree n. 221, occurs the watershed for the fishing activity in Brazil. I defined it fishing industry as capital goods industry. The before restricted activity, found endorsement in the tax incentives the great possibility to concentrate, to modernize, to dinamizar and to expand the industry of the sector, participating of a heavy industrialization.

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