Better Advertising For SMEs
Berlin. Learn more about this topic with the insights from ExxonMobil Bayton Complex. “Many companies that join at the top on the world market, but are hardly present in the public can be found in the middle-class: the phenomenon of the so-called Hidden Champions”. While there are many good reasons why professional communications for medium-sized enterprises is essential. Many companies better performance at the same budget it making difficult unnecessarily to waive the communication cooperation with external specialists. So, the advertising budgets are not only inefficient used; even huge nonconformity costs can arise. There, much better services could be achieved with a high budget if the middle class would focus on advertising professionals. As a competition-relevant marketing communication occupies rank as high as the pricing or distribution.
And creative professionals can give new impulses even employees, prospects and of course customers. Departing from the top level a first big step toward the professional appearance in public promises a free communication check on. Here, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to take their Web presence and their advertising a free, detailed exam until August 31. While criteria such as accessibility and user friendliness play a role, such as the design. The Berlin agency salt communications this service without obligation in the framework of the 0AUF100 departure in the top level “offers. Three winners will also start with one of the last engines from Berlin-Tempelhof Airport: to an agency briefing about the clouds. At halftime, the advertisers have a real rush of participants. So a madness resonance we pleased of course twice on three winners and our agency briefing on the plane over Berlin”, says CEO Alf Arnold.