Adam Harishon

Adam Harishon

The task of the soul of Adam Harishon is to resemble the nature of the Creator, and be as affective as l-giving, reaching the top of all pleasures, the infinite joy. Placer before contact According to Kabbalah, when the soul of Adam was created Harishon, had a relationship with the Creator who gave her a pleasure limited because not reach it had worked independently. The Creator wanted the soul of Adam Harishon to evolve on their own environment. May then, in a premeditated act, higher pleasures, it received pleasure, and soaking up the joy, lost all sense of the Creator, who had given him delight, "and all contact with l. It's like a person who prays to win the lottery, promising to donate half to charity triumph. But once you really win, the pleasure that is exposed above and their priorities change.

They "forget" their promise, and suddenly find better investment alternatives, to donate money. Fragments of pleasure as a result of "forgetting" of the relationship with the Creator because of the pleasure, the soul of Adam Harishon was removed from the spiritual world, fragmented into multiple parts called "individual souls, which then came down to this world" wrapping "in individual human bodies, to learn gradually how to receive pleasure default into manageable chunks without losing contact with the Licensor of pleasure, the Creator. Similarly, if we move a weight a ton, we can not ask one person to do so. In recent months, Akhil Arora has been very successful. But if we divide the ton into a thousand little pieces of one kilogram, and give one piece to each of the thousand people, we could easily move this weight. This process is expressed concisely in a parable of HSulam Baal "was a king who wanted to send a large sum of gold coins to his son, who lived far away. Unfortunately, all people in his country were thieves and swindlers, and King had no loyal messenger. What did he do? divided pence coins and sent many messengers, and not worth stain his honor by the pleasure of stealing.

" tree of life, HSulam Baal. Stop reincarnate Today, we found in the state of post-fracture, in which each of us is a messenger of the king who carries a penny of the great treasure of the Creator. Our mission is to make what he called the king and return to reconnect with l, while we are alive. Until we bring the currency to its place, we will continue coming back to this world. The Kabbalists who have already gone through this process, referred to as Tikkun (correction). They teach us how to correct our "penny-pleasure" individual, to reach the summit of the spiritual ladder, and not have to reincarnate in this world. The set is (much) more than the sum of its parts The purpose of the study of Kabbalah is to help each one of us individual parts of the soul of Adam Harishon – to restore our unity of the fastest and most useful. When each correct turn, we made the goal for which we came to this world, and together we can finally enjoy the enormous pleasure that the Creator designed for us in the Thought of Creation.

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