A Mortgage Disaster

A Mortgage Disaster

They also had the misfortune to meet up additional millions ghostly and always accounted for more sacrifices and left patent incompetence of those who had in their hands the power of building-management of our dream. But the 66 cooperative members did not surrender because they were strong and courageous, because they had the help of some of them at the expense of their time fighting for the good of all. Their houses were becoming reality and at weekends came to work to keep dreaming about the bricks and cranes. The cooperatives already suffered some wear as the years passed and the dream deferred. Still met occasionally to be informed of how, how much and especially of when they would be able to have your floors. The road was very long, but we were all ready to go. In addition, a bank called Banesto, was calling for us to be giving us the necessary documentation for the mortgage (assuming bank will have enjoyed state cash injection-bone of all of us-to encourage mortgage lending and citizens who opt for a floor protection.) The months passed but Banesto already had our payroll, working lives, work contracts and other documentation, and there seemed no problem but the manager and their own incompetence.

One day, a television channel, echoed his problem and went on the news claiming the calamities they suffered and may have been that or the constant calls and appearances by the manager that after a year’s done, the news began to be the best. Finally he talked about writing and all the cooperators who endured to this point, began to smile after a long time unable to do so, some had even forgotten how. But when our story seems to come to an end appears Banesto, the Wicked Witch of the story. First cooperative contacted to inform them of the monthly amount of their mortgages. Each of us balance the books, the years to pay and many open account to expedite the process as possible and, believe it or not, two weeks of signing, Banesto 40 cooperative called to tell them there is no mortgage for you! Tears and despair, helplessness and anger.

In my case I could find a box Basque did not hesitate to give me the loan, others found other ways … Some guys had to give up his dream after all this time and they will dedicate this story, because after all fell by the wayside because had the misfortune be unemployed and no bank wanted to “take risks” with them. Hopefully we are lucky and find a place to create a home and can educate their children values that are neither banks or fund managers.

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